CHAPTER EIGHT- part three

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I had stressed myself all morning to get here worrying about the guy i spent a year of my life with. But now standing in front of the door i can't find it in myself to push the door open.

My heart was beating really fast and my hands kept on shaking as i held on to the knob. Taking in a deep breath i gave myself the courage to open the door.

Faye was sitting on a chair beside the hospital bed typing on her phone with her dark brown hair loose. Damon on the other hand was just lying there looking pale with a bandage on his head and a blue sheet over him. My eyes became watery as i took slow steps closer to where he was lying.

"He is going to be okay right?" My voice came out shaky and weak, i tried, i really tried to hold in my tears "tell me he is going to be okay."

Faye looked up at me and tucked in her cell phone, her eyes were heavy like she did not have much sleep the previous day. She must have been up all night trying to make sure he was going to be okay. And i was down town doing forbiden things and reaping off peoples gentiles.

My hands were shaking badly so i fisted them together so my best friend would not notice.

"He would be alright Dian." she said trying to calm me and i truly hoped she was right. "Ming is on her way".

I barely heard the last thing she said as i walked closer to Damon and squatted by his side. His hands were cold and disturbing to the never ending heat inside of me but i did not care. I traced my fingers down his arm and then to his face. My fingers trailed down from the roughness of the bandage around his forehead to his blond brows and down his nose, to his red lips, memorizing every inch of his face for the last time.

He was supposed to be on the road to sharelake to catch his plane early for New York but instead he was lying here in the hospital room with a bandage around his head and a plaster on his neck.

"What happened Faye? Please tell me what really happened."

She bit on her lips for a second and then opened them to speak, tuning her voice down.

"I went out looking for you. When you left that morning i did not know what to do. I knew you probably blamed yourself for everything that happened, for all those girls that..." her eyes were tearing up but she did not let a single drop fall. "I knew that you were hurting, and it is probably really hard for you and you are taking all that guilt out on yourself and i wanted to help. I tried calling but your line was switched off. I texted Damon and that was when he told me you guys were together."

"How did this happen?"

Her eyes held a pained expression. " I knew it was going to happen again so i went looking for you, but i was too late. She got out, you were gone and he was..." she bit on her lips "he was out cold. He must have fallen with a lot of force pressure, his head hit the ground."

I put my hand over my mouth and shut my eyes, processing the information. The tears finally broke through falling down my cheeks.

"It is going to be okay Dee, i got there on time to save him, the doctor said he only had minor injuries and lost a minimal amount of blood. He should be up and moving in a week."

That did not do anything to stop the thumping of my heart and guilt swarming through me. "I did this " i took a step back.

"No!" Faye was on her feet trying to console me "you did not do anything Dian, you were just the host, the vessel, you would never hurt anyone".

"But i did" i kept shaking my head trying to get her to believe me "i hurt a lot of people Faye, all those girls... i hurt them. I, i killed them" it was getting hard to breath.

She held my arm trying to convince me that i did not do anything wrong but i did, i know it, why can't she see it? Her grip on my arm was cold and it hurt, everything hurt, the pain was always there. " Listen to me Dianna, you did not hurt anyone and you did not kill anyone," she stared right into my eyes " that thing inside you did."

I shook my head. She doesn't get it, it was my hands and my face they all saw before they died. I woke up every morning with blood on my hands, their bloods on my hands. "I hurt Damon Faye, why can you not see that!" i pushed her away from me "there was no one else there, it was just the both of us. I, i must have pushed him!"

I took steps back heading for the door. "I can't be here, i...i can't".

"Dian! wait..."

But i did not stop to hear anymore consolations, i ran far with my tears purring down like rainfall and my mixed emotions all over the place. My eyes were blurry, i could not see clearly and i kept on bumping into grumpy people.

"Dian?" a feminine voice called and i slowed down to look up at the person. Her hazel orbs pierced into mine, light blush on her full cheeks that showed proof to her healthy eating, dark hair curved in a shoulder length bulb around her face as she hugged her jacket. "Are you okay?" Ming searched my face.

But i did not stop running, i just kept on running and drowned the worried voice of my best friend as i made my way out of the hospital building. I knew i had to stay far away from Damon, i could never forgive myself for what i did to him and it hunted me. I wanted to stay away from my friends too, who knows? Anyone could be next and i did not want that, i did not want to live in the constant fear that i might hurt more of the people i care about.

So i kept on running, running away from all my fears while carrying the guilt and the pain from all the dead teenagers and my ex-boyfriend on my shoulders. Knowing that it would not do anything to stop the rising darkness inside me.

But what i did not know was that i would bump into the most handsome creature my eyes ever had the privilege of seeing. I fell down to the ground on my butt, but i did not even focus on the pain. All my focus was on him, the tall manly figure standing to his back in front of me.

And then he turned, and i knew, i just knew, it was either going to be a start of something great or the end for me.

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