CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHTH-Glimmer in a raw smile

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She stude there silently drinking in my appearance, then a heavy sigh escaped her lips as she took hurried steps and embraced me in a light hug. She cupped my face between her hands and kissed my forehead lightly, a faint smile forming on her lips.

"When did you get home?"

"Early this morning." I replied watching her cautiously. There was an edge to her features. She looked slightly uncomfortable as she took a step back. I expected her to question where I had been, why I got home late and why I hung up on her last night with her usual melodrama of panic and edge to her tone but she didn't. Instead she just nodded her head and eyed me up, taking in my blue track suit.

"Going for a run?"

"I was, but I'll rather just stay here and we can talk." I crossed my hands over my chest " preferably about what I just saw."

She let out an exaggerated sigh and ran a hand down her face. Turning her back she walked away towards the small kitchen connected to the other side of the living room.

She picked up two mugs from the cupboard right above her as i followed behind and watched her set one under the coffee machine, pulling out the remnant bag of beans from where we normally leave them.

Turning towards me, my mother lifted up a brow "coffee?"

My nose scrunched up as i stared at the black liquid pouring in to two of the mugs, wondering how long that stuff had been in there since for as long as I remember, no one had restocked for it but I agree anyway.

"Sure" I think I need the caffeine. Maybe it would help cool down the boring headache and pulse in my veins that were caused by a doze of the injection Isabella gave to me. Hopefully it'll help clear the fogginess in my head.

Mum dropped a steaming mug in my front after toping it with a little too much cream and sugar. I smiled lazily, taking a sit by the stool at the opposite side of the counter and nursing the hot ceramic between my hands.

"Thank you".

She returned my smile, sitting opposite to me and took a sit opposite from me between the small slab. Silence fell between us and I took the chance to savor the sweet taste of my cream filled coffee, trailing my finger in a circle around the edge of the cup.

Mum seemed uncomfortable, it was kind of weird and made me wary. We were never uncomfortable between each other and there was never really much silence between us. At least not tens kind of silence.

I took the last sip from the liquid on my palms and dropped it with a light thud on the slab letting out a tired sigh. My head seemed to have cleared a little bit and I raised my eyes to meet my mothers' already watching me.

"You weren't supposed to find out like this." A sad and guilty look passes her irises as she dropped her head down letting a ton of her blonde hair fall down her face in which she uses her hands to brush them back her ear before griping the edge of the counter again and looking back up at me. "I was going to tell you about it first."

"I know." I admit. It was also partly my fault. I know mum too well and some times I can read her like an open book. She would always put me first whatever the situation is even if it meant she won't be too pleased herself.

She always says that my happiness matters more than anything in the world, and as long as i was comfortable, she had no reason not to be. Which is why I know that even after how terribly I had dealt with the void of dad leaving us, she would never Just jump into any form of a relationship without letting me know first.

"How long have you been seeing him?"

"Just last night." I lifted a brow at her statement, " I wouldn't say we are seeing each other.... I mean we've met a couple of times before that but even though he made it obvious that he entertained the idea of seeing me, I didn't want to push until I'm sure you were okay with it. Last night was...." She paused " well... It just kind of happened."

I nodded in understanding, pushing off a few disturbing locks of my dark hair behind my ear.

"Are you?" Mum's eyes bore intently into mine searching for the answer I did not even have. "Are you okay with it.?"

My voice got caught up in my throat. I wanted to speak but the words did not come out.

This was what I had wanted for so long now, I wanted her to move on, unwrap herself from the cocoon that is dad. Find some one else, someone that would always make her smile and restore that little glimmer of light I had not seen reflecting in her eyes for so many years now.

But I saw it, last night. Even as she slept on that sofa with the man that seemed to make my skin crawl.... That light smile was spread across her lips in deep sleep, and the frown she normally wore when she slept was no where to be found.

And even just a few minutes ago, when she stud by the door adjusting his tie and seeing him out the door. She had that little glimmer in her eyes. She did not look stressed or bothered, she looked warm and at ease.

And that was all I had ever wanted for her, to see her relaxed without too much of a worry not for me or herself or our lives or with work, simply because she had more of a reason to smile now.

I saw the smile on her face when he had kissed her for that brief second. I was raw and genuine, something I had not seen on her in a very long time. It made my resolve weaken.

But then again, I felt bile rising my throat and my stomach clench. I remember the hard features of his ageing face as he had started intently at me that night in our living room with his computer open and my face zoomed on it.

I remembered the hard look on his face and the edge to his tone when he swore on TV for the whole of Randall to see, that he would stop at nothing until he brings justice to the lives that were taken that day. That he would not rest until he had the person responsible behind bars for the rest of their life.

And no! I was not okay, you my mother seeing the man whose mission was completely to bring me down even though I know I deserve it.

"Why him?" The words left my mouth before I could register it. I looked up at my mother awaiting her response. "You do realize he's a detective that works for the filled in Los Angeles and he could be leaving at any time any day once the job is done? I didn't think you were one to go with meaningless flings."

I think the word 'meaningless' hits her much more than I thought. Actually I was not really thinking when I said that last part and looking into her eyes that concealed an emotion of hurt, I feel guilty. And the tone in which the words had escaped my lips are not doing anything to help.

"I know." She said calmly, her eyes sad. " But at the same time I don't know. Dianna it's not as horrible as you make it sound really." She paused " and you don't sound really happy about this."

I frowned. Shifting uncomfortably in my sit and adverting my gaze away from her. My fingers curling around the mug and the other circling the edge of the tip.

"I'll stop seeing him if you're not comfortable with it."

My eyes jolt in alarm. " No! No! I mean..." I let out a sigh.

"What is it?" She asked warily.

I opened my mouth to speak but just then my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket to check who had texted me.

It was Jaime. Just two words. Two words that sent a flood of hope and relief washing over me.

She's awake.

I did not need to ask to know who 'she' is. I finally felt half the weight on my shoulders fall down as i let out an audible exhale.

I looked up at mum who was watching me curiously with an apologetic look flashed her way.

"I'm sorry mum, I have to go now." I rose to my feet before she even had the chance to respond.

I had to see Ming.

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