CHAPTER FOURTEEN- Strapped and Suicidal

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  They were silent. Simply looking at me without an emotion in their eyes. I did not mean for Ming's dad to hear the conversation, but the man is like a sloth, seriously! i did not even hear his foot steps when he came in.

Ming shot her eyes tight, took in a deep breath and looked me in the eye "No! you didn't. I know you, you would never hurt a soul, so stop playing jokes and talk to me."

"But i'm not" i shook my head in denial "i did Ming, i killed him. You're not that dense, you saw the aftermath, you can't tell me you did not put two and two together after you saw all that blood on me."

"Shut up!" She yelled standing up and stamping her feet to the ground, making me fidget a little. Ming is not someone that gets eked easily, it only happens on rare occasions actually, which is why i was really stunned by her reaction. "Just stop talking nonsense! i'm not dense, which is why i know that something crazy is going on that you have been keeping from me. We hardly even talk anymore and anytime i see you, you have that look on your face." Tears start to stream down her eyes "Faye told me you were not doing great and that you've been having issues with Damon that's why you have been so off lately but i know better" she leaned closer and grabbed my arm "Why did you come to Italy Dian? Why Rome? And who is that man?"

"I'm not lying Ming!" I cried "he tried to help me and i killed him. She killed him."

"She?" this time it was not Ming that spoke but her father who had been silent all the while. We both turned to look at him. "Who is this she?"


He stepped closer stopping in front of me with his fingers intertwined and and intrigued expression on his face. "Tell me Dianna, this Lilith, is she someone you know really well?" he asked and i scoffed.

"understatement of the century."

"Are you sure, That this Lilith you speak of, she was the one who killed that man?." I swallowed.

"We did. We killed him."

"Why do you keep saying we?" Ming pitched in again.

"Don't you get it!" i practically screamed in annoyance. "I'm possessed! She's inside me," I grabbed Ming's dad by the collar "I was this close..." i demonstrated with a tinny pinch of both my index and tomb finger "to getting it out of me" i fisted my hands tighter around his collar "she knew. She always knows. And she would not stop until she gets what she really wants."

The expression on his face did not give out anything, but i could tell just by that, the lack of expression... he thought i was crazy. I don't blame him really, i mean look how stupid every word escaping my mouth sounded.

I looked at Ming and hers was not any better, she had one of her hands over her mouth with her eyes wrinkled almost shut, small tears leaking out from them and her other hand holding the ledge of the door as if to stable herself from falling.

So yeah that's it... she also thinks i'm crazy! how great is this! amazing indeed! Faye is someone that could never hide her emotions, a very soft hearted person that would rather spend the rest of her life in prison than to hurt a fly so it did not surprise me.

I scoffed "you don't believe me." My voice very calm and understanding. Now i know how Faye felt when she tried showing us what she had gotten from two months of research about a creature that is not meant to exist. Mehn... it feels like a fucking punch in the hole.

But before i could even finish my statement, Mr Lee was already making sure the straps on my hands were fixed tight, added some additional and by the way unnecessary straps to my legs before turning to his daughter, giving her a signal with his head and leaving the room.

Ming looked at me with sad eyes, pursed her lips together and squeezed my bonded hands, " you will be okay, i promise Dianna. Daddy's going to help you, i'll make sure of it." She turned and walked out of the room.

"Wait! Ming what does that mean?" i yelled after her. While she spoke the only words i could hear were 'i am sending you to a mental asylum'. You see these days, when ever someone tells you they are going to get you help in a situation like this, you just know that is what they are talking about. And trust me the last thing i want or need right now is to go to a place filled with crazy people and have them feed you pills every day with creepy old nurses trying to shove them down your throat.

Okay i watch way too much movies sue me!

Ming did not turn back for a second. She just kept walking away till she was out and the door was shut and locked behind her. Maybe i made the wrong decision, i should not have left Faye behind. I know it is selfish of me to say this but i probably would not be in this condition, strapped and suicidal in my besties family plane if i had let her come with me. But then again there is a possibility that i might have hurt her earlier before Ming and her dad could even get here.


I had spent much too long of my time trying to unstrap myself from not just physical bondage, but an emotional and mental one too, and you guessed correct, it was no use.

Ming nor her dad ever said a single word to me after that. I never ever saw him again until the end of the flight but i could hear him making some calls next door but could not make out a single word he was saying no matter how hard i tried to eavesdrop into his conversation.

Ming came in to check on me a few times but never said anything. She could not even look at me for long before she turned around and faced the door. I was bothered no shit! the whole thing was starting to frustrate me and trying to get answers from my friend was zero game. So i would just wait for her to leave again before trying to loose my binds over and over only to fail.

Mr Lee could not even be a little more considerate. He just strapped me tight like a homicidal animal. Seriously! the bunds were just too tight.

Now we had finally landed in my home town and were being checked before leaving. As i walked by people looked at me with the bunds on my hand, looked at my face, wrinkled their noses and walked away. Seriously what do they think i'm in for? Ming was going to cut me loose before we got down from the plane but her dad refused, saying some words to her in Chinese that i did not understand. I really hate it when they do that!

The security guard even had to ask if i was some kind of criminal or they were trying to smuggle me in only for Mr lee to show him an ID and shut him up completely. Just like that he let us through without asking anymore questions, but that did not stop the discomfort in my belly from all the weird stares i was getting.

From the distance, i could already see the black vehicle waiting for us outside and i could not be happier. But that happiness dissolved into something else and my leg froze on my steps the moment i heard some one call out to me.

You know there are some kind of people that even though you have only ever met them once or twice in your life you could never forget a voice like that. That was my case right now. Even though we had only ever met once, i could never forget how he sounded like. Maybe it had to do with the fact that some where at the back of my mind, i kept on replaying our conversation, but even without turning around i already knew it was him.

Slowly i turned around and just like i thought, Damien was standing there with a tiny smile on his face, but when his eyes trailed down to my hands, it completely disappeared.

Oh fuck!

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