Chapter 43

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The Centennial Mishap.

That was what they call that event—the event where the newbies freely crossed the Heraldian Ocean without any massive crocodile killing them.

That event brought imbalance in the world of Arcadia that mostly affected the economy.

But what people never expected was how strong the NPCs from the Herald City were. Since they have stayed in the Herald City ever since the start, most of their levels were around level 50.

Level 50 was more than the average level of the Paragons residing in the Miranda Kingdom. But oblivious Paragons were just too trigger happy upon meeting an NPC who was trying to level up. But since they were level 50, these NPCs could easily defeat that Paragons.

The rise of defeated Paragons gave the NPCs the confidence to act up. Since many more Players got defeated in the process, it created a large rift between the Players and the NPCs.

One week later.

"Help! Help!"

A woman continually screamed for help while running through a narrow tunnel's pathways while also dealing with some incoming spiders in front of them.

[Arrow Impact!]

The woman had to turn back from time to time to stop the people that were chasing her.

"Jenny, where should we go?!"

A young man with a shield asked.

The man who was supposed to be the eldest among the four of them got his leg injured that another person ended up carrying him.

Hence, Jenny had to think quick about the two pathways that were right in front of her or else their party would suffer.

"Let's go to the right!"

While they head to the next section, their chasers paused for a moment.

"Hey, Byron, where should we go?"

"Where else? To where they went, of course."

"But, what if we encountered the Spider Queen?"


Byron smacked his friend's face.

"That's the purpose why we're doing this dumbass. Those NPCs need to learn a lesson!"

Byron continued walking to the pathway to the right while a group of 20 Paragons followed.


Despite just bearing a shield, the young man easily cleared the pathway for his friends by banging his shield at the spiders. His strength even got hyped up upon seeing the end of the narrow tunnel.

"Light! There's light! We can escape!"

The man quickly ran toward it, but a sight of a giant crimson spider welcomed him in the other room.


The spider immediately pierced him. Luckily, it only dented his shield.

'Damn it! My shield's durability immediately dropped to half.'


But the spider wasn't giving him time to think.

[Target Arrow!]


Jenny managed to hit the spider's head. But it only dented its face.

"Tormund, get back!"

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