Chapter 94

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Kane appeared back on the 8th floor with thousands of people chattering around him. No one was supposed to care for his sudden appearance as people come and go into the room.

However, it only took a few seconds because he was still foolishly half-naked. But as someone who experienced this many times before, he no longer cared.

Kane marched forward and slowly equipped all his clothes before finally wearing his menacing wooden mask. But it was already too late as people were already staring at him.

"What the hell is that guy? Is he an exhibitionist? A pervert?"

"No! That mask! It's him!"

"Is that him?"

"That guy? On Top 6? Or Top 5?"

"They said he's a Rogue Paragon, but I can't see anything above his head."

Kane already got used to being embarrassingly watched by people. But this time, his infamous reputation seemed to seed from another reason he scratched his head.

'What the—Did these guys also receive the files that Aries gave me? Why are they looking at me like they knew me?'

Suddenly, his path was blocked by a muscular man and his group.

[ID: Eklipto]

'Ah, shit. I remember this A-hole.'

Eklipto was the one who started the bloodbath back in ROUND 1. Kane looked around and noticed that Klansey and Whosyourmama also became part of Eklipto's group.

The musclehead spoke,

"Boy, I've been watching you since ROUND 1."

"Nice. Continue watching me, bro."

Kane tried to walk forward but was blocked by another airhead.

"When the Boss speaks, you should listen."

Eklipto voiced,

"I heard you bumped into these guys."

He pointed at Whosyourmama and Klansey before continuing.

"Lemme tell you what, you need to set aside those differences to win ROUND 4, don't you think so?"

Kane nodded before answering.

"Hmmmm, as far as I know, there were supposed to be 3 of you? What's that guy's name again? Mermaidman?"

Both Klansey and Whosyourmama were annoyed, raising their eyebrows at Kane. The guy that Kane was referring to was Indenda. He also survived ROUND 2, but he seemed missing. And if they're missing, then that only means that they failed ROUND 3.

They could've defended their fallen friend, but they decided to restrain themselves for now to recruit Kane. However, even with their efforts, the cold-hearted Kane turned around and walked away from the group.

Even Eklipto became annoyed,

"You're gonna regret this, brat. No one other than us would like to team up with a fucking Rogue Paragon."

Coincidentally, Kane's communication rune was activated!

"Master! You're finally here!"

"Oh, kid! Where are you?!"

Kane's excitement was seen by Eklipto and his gang that it added fuel to the fire upon realizing there were still people who wanted to be with Kane.

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