Chapter 149

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Galadus sprinted through the moonlit Castle, his breath ragged and his heart pounding in his ears. Behind him, the enigmatic creature pursued relentlessly, its shadowy form shifting between the broken walls like smoke.

His eyes widened as he caught sight of Casper and the cavalry waiting for him beyond the fortress walls.

"M-Mister Casper! C-Casper!!" His voice cracked as he stumbled into the clearing. The group halted, turning to face him. But Casper's expression twisted from relief to horror.

"B-Behind yo—"


The warning died on Galadus's lips. Spencer materialized from the shadows in a monstrous form as black as midnight. The air hummed with ancient magic, and before Galadus could react, the blade pierced through his chest.


Spencer then rammed his other hand into Galadus' chest and then tore his body apart.



Galadus instantly vanished into the night. The Heirloom Sword slipped from his ethereal grasp, clanging against the marble flooring. Spencer stood over the fallen blade, eyes uncomprehending.


But it wasn't the sword that seized his attention. It was the life force pulsating around him—the fragile forms of Casper's army, mere mortals caught in a supernatural battle.

"GUUUAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Spencer's roar echoed through the fortress walls. His monstrous limbs propelled him toward the soldiers, each step shaking the ground. The air crackled with malevolence as he swung his massive claws.

"UUUAARRGGHHHH!!" The first casualty fell—a young mage. His incantations silenced forever. His comrades screamed, their magic flaring in desperation.



Their pleas were drowned in chaos.

The archers fired arrows, their shafts aflame with enchantments. But Spencer deflected them effortlessly.

"GUUUUAAAAAHHHHHH!!" he screamed at them.

The spearmen lunged, their blades glinting in the moonlight. Yet, the demon twisted, evading their strikes. His eyes blazed with hunger.

But the demon couldn't be halted. He tore through the ranks, leaving a trail of broken bodies. The fortress walls trembled as if protesting the carnage.

Desperation fueled their efforts. Wizards hurled fireballs, their robes singed by the heat. Yet, Spencer remained unyielding, a force of annihilation.

Casper, his face etched with horror, stumbled forward. "Hold the line!" he shouted, rallying his troops.

But Casper's voice—the desperate plea—caught the demon's attention.

"GUUUUUUUAAAHHHHHH!!!" Spencer, the monstrous adversary, lunged at him, claws like scythes. The Nobleman's instincts kicked in, and he met the attack head-on.


The impact reverberated through the fortress courtyard. Casper's blade, an exquisite weapon forged by master smiths and infused with his potent magic, held firm. The demon's eyes widened, momentarily caught off guard; Casper wasn't the easy prey he had anticipated.

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