Chapter 7

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"So, this is the shitty reason why everyone is chasing me?!"

Kane scratched his head upon realizing what happened back at the village. He realized while looking at the thread on the game's forum page that Dreyer was the one who instigated the scuffle.

Dreyer initially posted what happened to them, but Malloy, Rafter, and Birthos also went with the flow. They even showed that they didn't receive any reward, and Kane hoarded all of it. The post spread like wildfire, and fake news about Kane spawned everywhere. They even said that he was actually a high ranking guild official.

[A guy named Kane exploited his newbie teammates and took all the loot.]

'They're not newbies! I'm the one who is a newbie!'

[Beware of a guy who called himself Kane. He's an exploiter]

'That's fake news!'

[Newbies, beware of a dude named Kane in herald city. He'll party with you just to take all the loot alone. Don't party with this guy.]

'The fuck? This is just so... wait a minute...'

Kane looked closer and saw the author.

[Newbies, beware of a dude named Kane in herald city. He'll party with you just to take all the loot alone. Don't party with this guy.]

[Author: Dreyer]

Kane shouted,


Suddenly, it echoed.



Kane covered his mouth with his hands because Kane was actually in the stomach of the Massive Crocodile that ate him. Kane managed to somehow survive the attack thanks to his quick thinking in using RABAUM'S WILL. But it will only work once per battle. Meaning, if the Crocodile decided to attack him again, he can't be protected by RABAUM'S WILL anymore.

Kane250 LVL 5 HP: [210/210]

It has been hours since Kane was eaten that his health regenerated. He spent all of those hours searching through the web about why people were chasing him.

Eventually, he found out that some guild placed a massive bounty on his head. Everything went overboard when a rival guild found it suspicious that they put a large bounty on a newbie that they also placed another large bounty. And then another rival guild also placed a bounty that Kane ended up having a very large bounty under his head from multiple players and guilds.

'How long do I have to wait for this? Can I quit?'


[Do you want to quit?]


[You're not in a safe house, your character can be killed during the time you are out, do you still want to quit?]


'Aaaaaahhhhhhh, shit, I'll just eat and rest for a bit.'

Kane removed his VR set from his body and took some expired foods from his fridge. He didn't quit nor disconnect. He jumped down on his bed while eating. He saw that time, and it was 1 AM past midnight.

'Hmmm, let's just rest for a few minutes.'

Kane fell asleep for a few minutes. FOR A FEW MINUTES. Those few minutes became 30 minutes. Those 30 minutes became an hour. And that hour became hours.

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