Chapter 19

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"Wow. Good. Great. Nice."

Those were the only words that Kane could utter after a humiliating defeat against the final Boss of the Wallace Tower.

He spent 20 days climbing that Tower, got kicked from his own apartment, and got beaten up by people wielding wooden swords only to get his character killed in one hit. Who wouldn't be dumbfounded in that situation?

Kane removed his VR set, showing his pitiful eyes that were covered with eye bags.

'I'm done with this shit.'

Kane placed his VR set back in his bag. He stood up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. After a few seconds, he went out and straightened out the bedsheets that Jae Hwan gave him on the ground. Kane lay down and closed his eyes.

'I better stop this madness. I guess I really have no future in that game.'


Kane rose from his slumber as Jae Hwan slammed the sliding door open.

"Wazzup, did you eat dinner?"

"Dinner. Leave me alone. I'm trying to sleep."

"Come here!"

"No... no... no..."

Kane wanted to sleep, but he was too tired to resist. Jae Hwan pulled Kane's hands and mercilessly dragged the helpless Kane on the ground up to their two-story mansion. Jae Hwan lifted him and tossed him to the chair with Jae Hwan's parents across the table. His mother worriedly looked at the exhausted Kane.

"What's wrong with him? Is he finally dying?"

"Me? No, I just needed sleep."

Jae Hwan sat beside Kane, across his father.

"He did die. I heard him before coming in. Apparently, he died stupidly in the game."

"Shut up! You don't even know what happ—mmmmm!"

The old lady unexpectedly shoved a spoonful of food on Kane's mouth. She also took a bowl of meat soup and placed it in front of Kane. Kane usually loathed this treatment because of how horrible the food was, but he was just too disappointed with his death... eh, I mean tired.

Kane quietly took the spoon and took a sip. His eyes suddenly widened as it actually tasted good and wasn't shit.

'Holy shit.'

Jae Hwan noticed him.

"Was it good?"

"I won't lie. It is. Far better than your shitty men—"


"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

Jae Hwan's mother smacked him before he could even comment on their food that Kane has been eating.

"You're still ungrateful, you little shit."

"I just don't understand! Auntie, you can cook just fine like this. Why can't you just cook like that for the success of your fucking shop?!"

"I didn't cook that?"

"Huh? Then where did this come from?"

Jae Hwan replied while chewing his food.

"My sister brought that?"

"Your sister? Ah, that woman whose name I don't even know and face that I've only seen once despite also living in this house!"

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