Chapter 31

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"Who are these idiots?"

The fat Boogie said while she looking at the Paragons. While Bannermanner and Melodia were focused on looking at how they could deal with the situation, Kane's attention was focused on Boogie.

'What's with those clothes? Does she think she's sexy enough to wear to skin-tight clothing with fishnets? I can clearly see his flappy stomach, yuck!'

Despite disgusted, Kane approached her, leaving Bannermanner and Melodia behind.

"I'm here because of Maria. I'm sure you know her."

"I know who they were. There were a lot of Maria in this town, and all of them were ungrateful troublemakers!"

While conversing, Bannermanner, without moving his legs, was looking around the place and saw many closed rooms. Unknown to him, it was the prison in which the Knights were being held. On the other hand, despite being the smallest person in the room, Melodia wasn't intimidated by the cave's ominous ambiance.

"I wanna pay for her debts."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes. How much is her debt?"

"You feel different. You must be a Paragon. I guess that bitch managed to seduce someone as powerful as a Paragon, but I don't mind. Payment is a payment. Her debt was her father's life. To pay for it, I also needed life in exchange."

Kane secretly gulped as things were not working his way. Because he was not faltering as he was still not showing his ultimate card.

"If you're like that, then sure, go and catch Maria. Are you sure you don't want the goods that I have? Have you ever heard of Axel Tower?"

The vandals started chattering with each other. Even Boogie somehow changed her expression.

"Alright. You seem to be confident. Let's see what you have."

Since most of the people here were newbies, Kane probably was the richest man in the Herald Island with his exquisite items that he mined from Axel Tower. He opened his storage box to show Boogie the marvelous materials that he found.


Kane started sweating in real life. His eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open. Luckily, he immediately disconnected the facial recognition that Boogie wasn't able to read his expressions.

'The fuck!?'

Kane had just realized that he lost all of his items since he was killed by the City Guards a few hours ago. Knowing he messed up, it was time for plan B.

"Hahaha! Here's your 1000 Gold."


Boogie laughed while the rest of the vandals followed and started laughing.


Boogie slammed her fist in the table while glaring at Kane.

"Are you kidding me, boy?"

"It's your fault for not giving me a price."

Kane was totally panicking right now that he was trying all sorts of methods to delay the conversation.

"100,000 Gold. That's her price."

"Are you damn serious? That could even let you live in a mansion in Miranda Kingdom!"

But Boogie wasn't joking. At that point, Kane knew that a single mistake would get them all killed. He doesn't have any money to pay for, and he knew that he couldn't escape the cave either.

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