Chapter 20

469 45 2

[Level Up]


Just as Kane expected, since he was the only person in the room, all of the XP fell into his hands despite him not damaging the wolves at all.

'Now, let's wake up the sleeping beauty wannabe at the top of this Tower.'

The wolves tried to pounce at Kane over and over again. He dodged all of them with his incredible movement speed. After 10 minutes of entering floor 2, Kane managed to clear it with ease.

[Level Up]

Upon clearing the Floor, Kane immediately stood up in front of the exit. Using the same method, Kane managed to put the familiar in the same place as he did on the 1st Floor using the goblin scroll.

However, Kane was worried as he only has a few scrolls. Still, he turned around and pushed the familiar to Floor 3 with his Ice and Dash combo. Before leaving, he hoarded the room for minerals and other resources.

Upon reaching the 3rd Floor, Kane did the same thing. But this time, he found a cheaper way to gather the Familiars at the edge of the room without the use of goblins. He ran straight at the other end of the room, where the exit would spawn, and stayed there. All of the mobs swarmed at him, which prompted the other Familiars to follow.

After two hours, Kane finally reached the 5th Floor. Kane now had possessed two giant level 50 familiars at his side. Clearing the rooms became much faster. However, correctly facing them to the exit and pushing them to the next Floor took time.

After another hour, Kane finally reached the 10th Floor. This time, he got 3 familiars on his side. But this was a Boss room. Kane remembered how Vulcan one-shotted his Boss.

For this room, Kane used many goblin scrolls and Dash and Ice scrolls to push the familiars to the center of the room. He placed the three of them encircling the Boss. After preparing, Kane finally stepped on the pedestal.

[Bozumin, the River Monster LVL 30]

HP: [?/?]


[You have slain Bozumin, the River Monster LVL 30]

[Level Up]

But immediately after it appeared, the three familiars squashed him by smashing their 3 gigantic hammers. Kane couldn't help but feel proud that he also defeated Bozumin in just seconds, just like Vulcan.

"Did you see that Vulcan?! Huehuehue! You're not that special! I can also do that!"

However, looking through his scrolls, Kane realized that he couldn't reach the Tower in this run. This forced him to leave the Tower and log out.

Kane slept for exactly 48 minutes until Miss Sun Mi saw him and kicked him in the face. Because of the lack of sleep, Kane took a break on that day. The next day, after his shift, Kane immediately went back to Arcadia. He spawned back at Axel Tower Floor 10's waiting room. But it was only him that was teleported to the waiting room and not the familiars.

"So, I really had to do this in one run."

Kane went back to the town square and finally bought a set of equipment using the materials he mined from the 2nd Floor up to the 10th Floor. This time, he bought a lot of Dash, Ice, and Lesser Goblin Scrolls than his first attempt. But a player noticed him.

"Hey, I saw you yesterday too. What are you doing with those scrolls?"

Kane looked at the well-equipped player that asked him.

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