Chapter 106

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Gears started grinding.


A mechanism in front of Kane was suddenly activated!


He unlocked the final door to reach the treasure!

"Wew! Good thing Doom gave me the answer to that puzzle. Now, let's see what's all this fuss about."

Kane was in awe at the Vault's interior as it was way bigger than expected. Unlike a generic vault, this one had multiple floors like an unfinished construction site, filled with plastic covers, incomplete metal beams, and broken pillars.

"Woah, this looked like my part-time job at the construction site. The one where they used to pay me for only 500 GAK Dollars a day! Those stupid contractors! I worked my ass all day, and they only paid me that much! That's like 10 bottled waters!"

But Kane's eyes widened as he continued walking forward. Yellow light glimmered at him from above. The Vault had a large circular glass ceiling that allowed the light to pass through.

And at the bottom of that light was a mysterious pedestal.

"Is... this where the artifact should be?"

- Just outside the Vault -

"Sir, we already found the entrance!"

"Oh, really?"

Ferrite and his army quickly converge toward the entrance upon finding it. Ferrite remarked,

"This wood is recently broken. What about other traces?"

His assistant, K1K0, answered,

"The battle traces were extreme but old. It seemed the party that killed Hakhos came here months ago."

"And then there's a new one, right at this moment. It could even be the same party trying to find something they couldn't find, but they finally did. Tell everyone to swarm that Hidden Hatch."


His army quickly swarmed the abandoned mines. They flocked the narrow halls but only found disabled traps and dead corpses of the Fallen Experiments.


"The raiding party is nearby. Tread quick but be quiet!"

"Sir, yes sir!"

As Kane disabled all the traps and killed all their possible obstacles, Ferrite's army safely reached the Vault at full speed!

"S-Sir... what is this?"

However, they were blocked by a mysterious stone gate that Kane had already opened earlier using Doom's password. But Ferrite and his army weren't aware of this that there were forced to solve the puzzle.

The mechanism was composed of 7 cylindrical dials pointing in different directions. Ferrite grabbed one of them and moved it to the left.



Suddenly, the other 3 dials were also moved. And then a neon-colored line appeared around the circular vault gate. As a Paragon, Ferrite quickly noticed the decreasing neon line.

"Wait a minute... this is a time limit."

Ferrite quickly began examining the other dials.

"We need to solve this. Seeing how these dials have pointers, they needed to point a something. Think about it. Aside from that, we also need to know the pattern of how one dial affects another."

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