Chapter 119

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With Kane bathed in blood and sculpted with glowing scars, the scared shitless Birthos frantically crawled away for his dear life.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!'


He slammed onto someone's boots, gasping upon seeing a familiar face.


But the newcomer aggressively grabbed Birthos' hair and pulled him up. He was a tall, topless, moderately muscular man with hair dawning up to his waist like a Rockstar.

[ID: Eurobos]

"What would our Guild Leaders say if they discovered this Division lost against an Unknown Smurf Player?"

"A-Ahhhh!! Argh!! H-H-He's the one!! The one that we're looking f—Ugh!!!"

The man tossed Birthos back to the entrance, which was now unblocked. Another man in black and white metal armor caught the rolling Birthos.

[ID: XY]

"Wazzup, Birthos? You look shit."

He was the same companion of Birthos back at the Miranda Kingdom when they heard the news about the raiding of Axel's Tower.

"Fuck, bro! That's the Smurf!!"

"Yup. We pretty much knew it already when we saw our members simultaneously getting disconnected."

The Topless man spoke,

"Get Out. You guys will only drag me down."

"Y-Yes, sir!"

XY saluted Eurobos one final time before dragging Birthos along with him.

The Topless man approached the bloodied Kane standing on top of the vanishing mountain of corpses. As for Kane, he was still bothered by the notification that popped up earlier.

[Fragmented Demonic Resonance activated]

Demons could feel each other's overwhelming presence, therefore increasing their power the more Demons present in an area. Depending on the number of demons present, different effects will occur.

Level 1: The presence of a single demon will increase your strength by 20%. Killing another unit will restore 1% of your HP and MP.

'Interesting. It's been a while since I faced a real Demon. This doesn't even always activate even if Doom is around.'

Eurobos was wearing ragged pants, black boots, and a tattered cape of black feathers, confidently showing his abs and scarred chest. And just like Kane, they both have the red-glowing eyes of a predator.

[ID: Eurobos]

But there was something that amazed Kane the most.

"Wow. What kind of Arcadian Salon did you go to? Nice rebond, bro. That's even straighter and looked smoother than Rashina's, lmao. Let me know your shampoo, bro."

"You are a Halftie."

Kane flinched.


"You looked like a Demon, smell like Demon, abilities like Demon, but you're a halftie. A half-demons like you can't match me. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'm here to make offers."


Another notification popped up for Kane.

[Do you wish to join the B33FK1NG Guild?]

[Yes or No]

Kane was flabbergasted.

"Hmmm? What's with this sudden invite? Do you guys just recruit anyone?"

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