Chapter Three

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We all sit in the restaraunt eating, I dont pay much attention to Deklan, as much as it kills me Im hurt, I am comepletly hurt and destroyed inside. "So Venansee how is your daughter?" I ask eating my burger, my elbows propped up on the table showing the boys were having a meeting with Slade comes. I can see that they get tense and I dont want to be the mom my family is terrified I want to be the cool mom but they wont listen to me. Most the time I feel like Im talking to myself!  

"Shes good, the she started third grade today, bit late but you know? Better late than never." She shrugs chuckling eating her steak, man I should have got that.

"Exactaly, so Mr. Jackson, what are we going to do about  him? Do we call the cops on this case?" I ask in a low whisper leaning across the table to her, she leans in too and the boys seem interested. 

"I dont know...I mean..." She shrugs Mr. Jackson is alittle bit extreme and I think he has scitsophrenia?

"Yeah...maybe we should?"

"Whats with the half finished sentances do you read each others minds?" Carson asks and I look at him giving him the look, he quickly backs off.

"I will after lunch." I look towards the enterance seeing Slade just walking in with his hot scrubs on, I wipe my mouth. "Ill be right back." I say and stand walking to Slade leading him into the van to talk, crap I thrashed it. 

"Whats wrong?" He asks me as both of us get in the car, me in the driver side and Slade in the passanger side. He looks around the car an eyebrow raised examinging the mess. "What happened in here?"

"I had a fit and this is why." I lean over grabbing the five bags of weed holding them so he can see and he snatches them hiding them. 

"Dont hold it up too high! Where did you get this?"

"Its not mine, its Deklans, after the principals today I took his keys and liscense and when he took it out one of these fell out, I looked through his bag found these four. What are we going to do?" I sigh and he peels open his hands to stare at them and he rubs his face, he looks so tired. 

"Are you sure these are his?"

"I am positive, those are his, one in his wallet the rest in his bag, he said hes deeling them, Im going to search his car tomorrow, and then go to search his locker, and his room too."

"I support this but walking through the halls and searching his locker thats a bit much dont you think?"

"No the ammount of weed in your hand is a 'bit much'." I use my hands for quotations getting fumed again, he is doing drugs. 

"Okay okay. Wow this is alot to wrap my head around. Sex and drugs this is alot in one day." He scratches the back of his neck, I take his free hand sighing.

"I thought he was kidding about the condom thing. Now I know hes not." I look down my heart shattered, my boy isnt innocent anymore, it seems like it was just yesterday he was born. 

"We will figure it out, Ill find something to do with these, now lets go back inside, eat and then I have to go back to work." He gives me a soft kiss on the lps putting the bags back in the dash board and we leave inside. We walk hand in hand back to our seats, Deklans head is down and Carson doesnt seem to care. 

"Hey mom can I get a peircing?" Carson asks and Slade and I just glare at him and shake our heads no slowly, as if he should have known.

"Never, you guys need to respect your bodies."

"You didnt mom." Deklan says as if hes one step ahead, mom always wins, he knows that yet he tests me every day.

"You dont know what I went through as a kid." I have never told them the story, all they know is my mom and brother died in a car accident and my dad left me, thats all they need to know. 

"Why dont you tell us then?" He asks, a face like theyre is nothing to hide, he leans back in his chair telling me to go.

"Not a conversation I plan on talking about with you kids. I did cut as a kid, theyre is no excuse for it but I did it and it happened, Its in the past." I say giving Slade the rest of my burger and fries kissing him breifly. 

"All over your body? Yeah ive walking in on you and dad, when Finn was born, when you thought you were home and you walked down stairs naked, yeah I saw them all. You couldnt have done them, and grandma has files on you when you were a kid with pictures of your body, I saw."

"Enough Deklan!" I snap my fists slaming down hard on the table making people turn and stare at me, Slade touches my hand taking it in his calming my hand from shaking. "Im not talking about it ever again do you hear me Deklan? You bring it up one more time Im going to the DMV and suspending your licence until your eighteen and youll be on house arrest from us, done!"

"Trella dont you think thats a bit harsh?" Slade asks, Vennassa looks the same way but I just shake my head showing Im winning this and there is no way out of it. 

"Slade I dont want to talk about what happened, its in the past and whats in the past needs to be left there, Vennassa were going to be late." I give Slade a kiss standing up giving him money for the meal to pay. "I love you baby see you later. Come on boys." The three of them stand up and we all walk out to our cars, Vennassa leaves to hers and the boys and I to mine. I didnt bother clean  up the mess I made Im so over today, I need a nice glass of wine and a bubble bath tonight.

"Mom what did you do to my stuff?" Deklan looks so pissed off, the only person in here thats aloud to be pissed is me this day could not have gotten any worse than it has right now.

"Shut up ass hole!" Carson smacks the back of Deklans head and they go all at it while I drive down the intersection.

"Stop!" I bark but all they do is continue, fighting, screaming, and hitting, cuss words go flying. I groan and go to go straight when they start screaming, I look seeing a car zooming right at me, my hand slings over to Deklan in my instinct and everything goes dark.


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