"Hm," he shrugged.

"I think you're wasting my time," I grabbed my bag.

I left the restaurant without another word. Men were so frustrating.


I was almost exhausted from trying. It's not that I hated the sex. I was tired of trying and not succeeding, a never-ending cycle of failure. Nox was watching me, his black eyes saying nothing. I smiled. I didn't want to seem ungrateful. We were trying our hardest, both of us. 

"I love you," I said to him.

"I love you too," he answered, easing into a grin. It was less tense now.

Things were quiet again. I wanted something to fill the space—some words. Nox must have felt it, too, because he started speaking.

"My fae had a tradition," he held his arms up in the air. "A coming-of-age tradition where tattoos would be placed upon our arms to signify what we had been through. My parents had gorgeous tattoos that wrapped all the way up their arms. I wonder why mine hasn't appeared yet. Maybe I have to get them done somewhere."

"You should do some more research. Go speak with um..."

"Seran?" his eyes shifted focus. "I suppose I could. She does have very nice tattoos. Are you going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine," I grinned.

"Okay," he kissed my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too."

When he was gone, I stared at myself in the mirror. Was I going to fulfill our dreams this time? Or was I destined to fail him once again?


I peered into the living room. Caius was sitting quietly with Eleise in his lap, listening to the radio talk about the news. They hadn't noticed me yet. I observed them. Caius didn't seem to mind it as much anymore, being a dad, that is. 

"Fine," he grinned at Eleise. "But don't let dad catch us doing this, okay?"

She grabbed his fingers, sticking one in her mouth. I couldn't help but laugh. Caius jumped, attempting to pull his hand away from her.

"Relax, Daddy," I kissed his cheek. "I don' really care."

"Why did I get stuck with being daddy?" he leaned his head on my chest.

"'Cause, it would be kinky if it were me," I brushed his hair away from his eyes.

He looked up at me with a soft smile. Caius had always had a beautiful face in feminine mannerism, but he looked so happy from here. Happiness truly complimented how lovely he looked. 

"Bold of you to assume, Mr. Clarke, that because I am smaller than you, it is not kinky," he smirked.

"You're doin' okay?" I gave him a small squeeze.

"As well as I can be," he looked down at the baby.

"She's gonna be jus' perfect," I noted.

"You're perfect," Caius whispered. "You're absolutely perfect, Salvador. I don't know how you deal with me."

"I'm not perfect, bloody oath."

"Name one time you fucked up."

I looked off. "I may 'ave went behind your back."

"And done what?" he scoffed.

"I was nice to Kane," I shrugged.

"Your flaw is being too kind to everyone. Even someone who tried to kill you."

"Well," I bit my tongue. "I forgave 'im for tryin' to kill me."


"An' he wasn' intendin' to kill me. 'E doesn' 'ave real wings. 'E didn' know any better."

"He had fake wings? You're kidding me."

"Ya shattered his ice wings an' ya don' even notice they're fine 'he next time ya see 'im?"

"I-" Caius stopped short. "I don't even think I noticed."

"Granted, I wasn' super nice to 'im either. I let 'im suffer a bit. I though' 'e deserved it, 'he bastard."

"Wow," Caius set a hand on my cheek. "What an evil soul you have."

"Ya 'ave a point. I'm too nice for my own good."

"Fuck Kane," Caius watched the radio. "He was an asshole. A self-centered asshole."

"I knew you'd ne'er forgive 'im."

"I think it's only fair. It's probably his fault my sister is with the Nixie bitch."

"You are wonderful, Mr. Clarke," I touched Eleise's little hand.

"Guess I shouldn't be swearing in front of th-our kid."

"Maybe not," I held him.

"When she starts to talk, do you think she'll figure out that she doesn't belong to us?"

"Nah," I shook it off. "Why?"

"I'm afraid she'll resent us for it."

"Ya shouldn' worry about stuff like 'at."

"But I do," Caius handed her off to me. "I'm petrified when it comes to her. It's pointless, I know. We'll have to take it as it comes or whatever. I want the best for her. Even if that's not me."

"We have a child now," I focused on him. "We're doin' 'he very best we can. Ya are righ', we need to take it as it comes. For now, we give her what we can."

"I love you," Caius sat on the floor at my feet. 

"I love ya too," I didn't see any happiness on his face.

Maybe the smallest gifts can also be our biggest burdens.

Futures Unseen (Chasing Titania #2)Where stories live. Discover now