Love, Always

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I ran into the healer's building. I met the emerald eyes of my sister. I ran to her, embracing her tightly.

"Well, good mornin' ta you, too," she patted my arm.

"You have no idea what we've been through for you," Lala dropped Silver on the ground.

"Silver?" Sam tried to rush to his side.

I pushed her back down in the bed.

"He's fine," Miles explained. "He just lost an arm. He's stable."

"Staella!" Sam shouted.

"We cauterized the wound, but he's remained asleep for most of the journey," Miles explained to the healer.

"How did this happen?" Sam demanded from me.

I explained to her that we had fought Ne'Mallia and some demons. Ne'Mallia was trying to punish Silver, so she attacked and wounded him. Sam was clearly distraught and frustrated. When I was done, she pulled me into another hug.

"Tanks for savin' me," she whispered.


I awoke somewhere familiar. I blinked a few times. I tried to move, but I was weighed down. Sam was on my chest. Peering into the darkness, I saw Rodam and Miles asleep, leaning against each other. Even Lala was sleeping on the floor beneath them.

"Silver?" Sam asked drowsily.

"Hey, lovely," my voice rasped.

"Oh," she moved. "I'll call Staella."

"No," I moved to grab her, but then I remembered I was missing that hand. The bandaged stub of my arm retreated to my side.

"It's okay," she patted my leg. "We're glad you're still here."

Staella poured over me for an hour or two. In the midst of it, my teammates were awakened, too. After she was done, we all agreed to sleep until the morning. They returned to their beds and left me alone in the healer's.

I woke to a knock at the door. I found Thalia standing there, her baby in her arms.

"Good morning, Silver," she sat down. "Glad to see you're okay."

"As okay as I can be," I muttered.

She smiled. "I figured you would be glad to know that Nox, Forrest, Alcibiades, Myhilda, and Loral returned from Caliope."

"That's good," I nodded. "I'm a little scared for what Nox will say when he sees me like this."

Thalia's face scrunched up. "I'm also worried that I have some news that you'll find troubling."

"You can tell me," I assured her. "I can take it."

"Lexington returned with them."

"Why?" I sat up. "He's supposed to be on Medowlark. Is he okay?"

Thalia patted her baby's back. "Physically? Yes, he is completely fine. He caught madness sickness from Dorimir, the God of Death. He's in the care of Arn's parents and their friends."

"Vetelguize is watching him," I whispered.

Thalia nodded. "If you would like, you could visit him. I can leave you instructions and provisions. It's entirely up to you. I thought it would be best to let you know."

"Thank you for not keeping me in the dark this time," I said bitterly.

She stood. "Thank you for your time, Silver."

"Ye should go," Sam agreed. "He's yer friend."

"But what about my recovery?" I asked. "Or you?"

"I've got a dog on mah heels," she rolled her eyes. "Rodam won't leave me alone. You'll be fine. I'll be safe."

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