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We had missed the fights. All teams were out on missions when the new fae arrived. It seemed that the guild was running its schedule poorly without Thalia at the helm, but she was extremely busy with her baby. The next generation was accepted without our knowledge. Their fights commenced without our observation. All teams were to sit downstairs and welcome their new members. I waved my teammates over. They joined me without much of a word. 

Lala tossed a sign down in front of us. In large shiny letters, it read The Silver Squad. Underneath that, it read Team Silver in very tiny black font.

"Hello," a boy approached our table. "Hi," he waved. "I believe this may be the right place."

"You are?" I asked, observing him. He wore black dress pants with a pristine white dress shirt. His shoes properly shined. His grey wings fanned out at his head but were narrow towards the bottom.

"I'm Miles Wisteria," the boy grinned, his hands fluttering as if they didn't want to stay still. "I'm a new part of Team Silver."

"Where are you even from?" Lala glared at him. 

"Evenectine," he nodded. "I come from the Marbellous Stone Fae."

Rodam signaled something to Sam, and she signaled right back. 

"Ah!" Miles signaled to them.

Sam was taken aback. She hesitated in signing back. The three of them signaled at each other for a few moments.

"Where'd you learn to do that?" I asked.

"I'm actually deaf," Miles turned back towards us. "I had an implant done by the Everfi Steam Fae in order to hear about two years back. See these," he removed a magnet with some weird end to it and showed us. "This helps me hear. There's one on my other ear as well."

"I'm glad to have you as a part of our team, Miles," I extended a hand to him. "I'm Silver, the team's leader. What's your Gift?"

"It's called Heart of Stone," Miles shifted. "It's not as good as it sounds. I can turn things into statues and such. I can turn my entire body into a statue."

"Weapons or spells?" Ne'mallia looked him over.

"Spells," Miles nodded. "I hope you don't mind if I sign and speak. It's become quite a habit over the last few years."

"Whatever makes you comfortable," I smiled warmly.

"Um, excuse me," a girl approached her sleeves on her shirt longer than her arms. "Is this Team Silver?"

"Yes," Ne'mallia sighed. "I absolutely hate our team name."

"Okay, Safari!" the girl called behind her. "My name is Haley Esther. This is Safari Cleav. We're your newest members."


The entire room was abuzz with fae the second we got back home. We hadn't seen the fights, so it was hard to know who was new. Each team had set up a table. Tia managed to get a table, forcing Loral and Forrest to push another one over. 

"This Team Idem?" A girl approached. Her short black hair was cut short to her jaw. She wore a silk cardigan in black over a red shirt. Her pants were a dark grey. Her eye makeup looked sharp enough to kill.

"Why yes," Tia immediately sat down. "Who are you?"

"I'm Ciana Lau of the Pangu Silk Fae," she tapped her metal nails on the table. "I'm one of your new members."

We sat down, staring at Ciana. She was taller than both Loral and Myhilda. It was sort of startling. She started to get uncomfortable with us staring.

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