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He cackled to himself as he descended the caves. He had succeeded in the plan his father had set forth. All the gods were now shaking. He could feel it.

"Dorimir, Dorimir," he skipped. "My little Soarimir-"

Dorimir, what a good boy you are.

"Thank you, daddy. I do try my best."

You have horrified that witch and your-

"Please don't call mommy a whore again," he sighed. "I ask you that every time."

I am paying you a compliment.

"All your compliments are kept reserve for the real whore," he huffed. "Tentradora-"

Is the most loyal of my servants. But you, my boy, have started to make me most proud.

"Oh boy, he's talking to himself again," she pushed herself off the wall.

"Speak of the hooker," he paused.

"Sorry, I have an important job," she ran her hands down to her thighs. "And what do you have, sweet Dori dear?"

"If anyone's job here is important, it's mine," he argued. "I am in charge of taking thousands of lives every day."

"But you have two real gods who take care of it for you, lazy ass," she pushed back.

"I would kill you myself if I weren't so tired," he growled.

"Yeah, sure," she crossed her arms. "Go back to dreaming of your precious mommy like she didn't hate us."

"Mommy abandoned us!" Dori shouted. "Daddy told us so. She didn't hate us. She couldn't stand us and how powerful we were."

"Or that we were just more vile monsters that she had created."

"That's not true!" He screamed.

Children, children, his voice came again. Relax. Dorimir, go back to your bed. Everything will be all right.

"I'll still get to see her again?" He begged.

Of course, yes, my son. You will get a chance to tell your mommy everything you want her to hear.

"Thank you," he laid down in the air.

"More like a chance at revenge," Tentradora mumbled.

Hush, he cannot know.

"Of course, father," she nodded her head. "Let the little boy sleep. Let me tell you about what I've heard today..."


"Mum?" Lynn pressed on through the maze.

I hadn't expected this of their house. There was a clearly defined path between piles upon piles of inventions. Sky Rose stayed close to me, careful of my walking and not getting crushed by formed thoughts. 

"Lynnette, is that you?" A voice called from further within the room.

"Yes, mum, where are you?" Lynn stopped walking.

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