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"Are...are you sure?"



"Get in!" Donald ordered after he had loaded the toys and clothes into the trunk of his car. "I want to show you motherfuckers proof that they really are for an orphanage!"

"There are five of us..."

"Kingsley sits in the front and the four of you are in the back!" Donald snapped.

Not wanting to suffer Donald's wrath, they all did so. The car ride was tense and mostly silent except for Donald's angry mutterings. "So, why the fuck were you guys following me like one of my obsessive fangirls?"

Forrest, Jimmy, and Wolf sputtered incomprehensible words in an attempt to come up with a convincing lie. "We wanted to know what you do during your free time," Jake spoke up as he fiddled with the Shanks and Mihawk keychain he had managed to convince Donald to buy for him.

"Really, now?" Donald's eye twitched. "Have you tried asking?"

"We didn't think you'd answer," Kingsley said.

"And you know why I wouldn't answer?" Donald asked. "Because it's none of your fucking business," He let out a tired sigh. "All of you better be on your best behavior. And no swearing around my little brothers and little sisters. Believe me, Mom will be pissed if she hears that kind of language in her home,"

"Mom?" Wolf questioned. "I thought we were going to an orphanage?"

"I grew up in an orphanage!"

"Oh..." Silence enveloped the car once more.

Meanwhile, Jake was scribbling some stuff in a notepad. 'I'll create my own manga: a supervillain with a soft spot for kids! He'll be kinda like Robin Hood! He'll steal from the rich and donate it to the poor! The heroes will become conflicted when they find out that the rich people he steals from are corrupted and the supervillain is using the money to help the unfortunate!"


Donald pulled into the driveway of a large building. "Daniel!" A middle aged woman greeted. She had long sky blue hair tied in a high ponytail and sapphire blue eyes. "Welcome back,"


"Hi Mom," Donald's tone was gentle and soft, something completely unlike him.  "I bought some toys and clothes for the kids,"

"Daniel, you didn't have to," The woman said. "You worked so hard for your money,"

"It wasn't that hard," Donald chuckled. "Besides, you raised me. It's the least I could do to pay back your kindness,"

"I see that you brought friends," The woman noticed the other boys. "Hello there. My name's Sky Na,"

"Don't be rude," Donald glared at them but kept his tone polite. "Introduce yourselves,"

"Forrest Lee,"

"Jimmy Bae,"

"Wolf Keum,"

"Jake Ji,"

"Kingsley Kwan,"

"Come in, come in," Sky ushered. "I've just finished baking cookies,"

"Cookies!" Jake cheered.


"Daniel, do you think you can talk to Jay?" Sky requested as they ate some cookies and drank some milk. "He's talking about wanting to hang out with some popular students. I know it's normal to want to be with the popular group, but I'm afraid that he might do something bad to seem cool in their eyes. He's already taken up smoking,"

"Which high school does he go to?" Donald asked.

"Daehyeon High School,"

"Smoking makes me look cool!" A high school freshman aged boy barged into the kitchen. "You won't understand! They'll think I'm cool and let me join their group! You'll never understand what I feel! You're not even my real mom!"

Donald stood up. "Apologize,"

"Daniel, it's fine," Sky tried to ease the tension.

"Why should I apologize when it's the truth!?" Jay snapped.

"In just whose eyes are you trying to seem cool?" Donald demanded. "Right now you're just a spoiled, insufferable brat!"

"Jake Ji!" Jay answered. "He's strong as so charismatic! He's loyal and does pick on others! He is super handsome and he's a great rapper too!"

"Thanks for the compliments!" Jake finally spoke up.

Jay froze. "J-J-J-JAKE JI!?"

"I have a very serious question for you," Jake held up his Two Piece manga. "Who do you think would win: Shanks or Mihawk?"

"Ahem," Donald cleared his throat. "You still owe Mom and apology,"

"But she's not related to me by blood," Jay was still stubborn. "It's true that she's not my real mom,"

"Jake, give him one of those anime speeches," Donald sighed. 

"You're also a fan of Two Piece, right?" Jake received a nod. "Ace, Sabo, and Luffy are all family even though they are not related by blood. Sabo rejected his biological family. Blood doesn't define family. It's the bonds we make with others that do. Your mother obviously loves you,"

Jay teared up and hugged Sky. "I'M SORRY MOM!"


Throughout the day, the Union boys witnessed an entirely different side to Donald Na. He was patient as he played with the children of the orphanage. He read books, played pretend, sang songs, and even played dress up! Jake also joined in and got along well with the kids. The other four boys awkwardly interacted with the children. They were not allowed to lose their temper or else Donald would kill them.

In the end, to get away and avoid snapping at the kids, the four decided to help cook dinner instead. They hid away in the kitchen and prepped the vegetables. "So does Don—Daniel always come here on his day off?" Kingsley asked.

"Yes," Sky nodded. "He always helps out here. He's a good kid,"

'Good kid my ass...'

The edited pics are from Instagram @bepo_bestpolarbear

I randomly wrote this early in the morning some days ago, so as with this entire fic, don't try to make sense of any of it. This is literally just a collection of random shorts.

Donald Na X Gravy [And Other Short Stories]Where stories live. Discover now