Carvie Family Beach Day

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Author's Note: I'm really sorry for taking a long time to update, but school has been really busy lately since I am back in person again. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you guys thought and I hope you're ready for the next chapter because the one after this is going to be a big one as Carlos will reveal his surprise next chapter and it's going to be good, so I hope you are ready for my next update after this one because I know I'm excited for it.

"Finally! What took you guys so long! We want to go to the beach now!" Celia screamed out as her and Dizzy had been waiting for Evie and Carlos to finish getting ready, so they could go down to the beach.

Evie just laughed as she pointed to Mal. "Oh you know how it is," Evie told Celia and Carlos just laughed as he pointed to Evie. "Evie was having a photo shoot with our baby," Carlos told the two, making them look at her.

"Really Evie!" Celia told Evie who just smiled as she held up her phone. "Guilty, but look at how cute these photos are!" Evie told them all as she held up her phone and showed them all the pictures of baby Mal that she took.

"Okay I have to admit that's adorable, but come on mom we want to go to the beach now!" Dizzy told Evie who just laughed. "Okay come on let's go," Evie told the others as they all headed down to the beach.

When they got to the beach Dizzy and Celia froze when they came face to face with Charlotte and Samantha who happened to be having a beach day as well. "Oh look if it isn't the weirdo family of the two teen parents, two preetens, and the messed up baby," Charlotte told the group, making them all get angry.

"Okay I'll have you know that..." Carlos was interrupted by Evie as she wanted to see what Dizzy and Celia would do as last time they had gotten into a physical fight which she had told them was wrong. "It's okay Carlos let's just see how they handle it and if it gets bad we step in okay," Evie told Carlos who just nodded.

"Hey our family may not be perfect, but at least we all love each other unlike your families!" Celia told the two who just scoffed. "Yeah right and you aren't even a part of that family anyway. You have no parents because your parents are just villains! And you think they actually see you as family. Oh please!" Samantha told Celia, making Dizzy get really upset.

"Hey leave my sister alone! She is part of our family! And I love both my sisters and they love me unlike you and your brother! All he cares about is himself!" Dizzy screamed out to Charlotte. "That's not true!" Charlotte screamed out as Dizzy had hit a nerve.

"Oh please! You know it's true! Now get out of here and leave us alone!" Celia told Charlotte and Samantha who just scoffed as they walked away.

"Ugh whatever!" Samantha told the group as she and Charlotte left to go meet up with their families back at their rooms. Evie just smiled proudly as she looked at the two girls that had learned from their mistake and had stood up for themselves without fighting.

"Wow look at you two! You learned from your mistake! I'm so proud of you!" Now come on let's go have some fun!" Evie told the two girls as she hugged them and they laughed as they found a spot on the beach where they settled down.

"Okay I'll race you to the ocean!" Dizzy screamed out to Celia who laughed as she took off running. "Already ahead of you!" Celia screamed out making Dizzy laugh as she ran too. "Hey no fair! That's cheating!" Dizzy screamed out making Evie and Carlos laugh as they watched the two kids play like sisters.

"Okay so while they are busy doing that. It's time for another photo shoot!" Evie squealed out, making Carlos laugh and roll his eyes. "Evie leave Mal alone. Come on let's just have some fun time in the sand with her. Not everything has to be a photo shoot," Carlos told Evie as he placed their baby down in the sand and handed her some toys to play with in the sand.

Evie just sighed as she watched the adorable baby in her bathing suit and her little adorable hat play with the beach toys as she wanted to take so many pictures. Carlos just laughed when he looked up and saw Evie about to burst. "Okay fine you can have another photo shoot. You're lucky I love you," Carlos told Evie making her jump up in victory.

"Yes! I win! And I love you too! Now Mal look here look at mommy! Perfect! No Mal look here don't look down. Come on my little poison apple mommy needs these pictures. Okay fine that's enough pictures now," Evie told Carlos and Mal as she placed her phone down and sat by him and their baby.

"Hi there sweetie. Do you like playing in the sand," Evie cooed out to Mal who smiled as she held up her sand toy to Evie making her laugh. "I'm gonna take that as a yes," Carlos told Evie who laughed as she nodded.

They continued to just play around with their baby in the sand for a few more minutes before Mal got bored of just playing normally with the sand as the small baby became curious about what the sand would taste like as she spit her pacifier out getting it completely covered in sand as she reached over and tried to put some sand in her mouth but Evie and Carlos were quicker.

"No! Mal sweetie we don't eat sand," Evie told the baby as she picked her up quickly before she could put some sand in her mouth, but this just caused Mal to start crying as she tried to put her pacifier back in her mouth, but it was covered in sand.

"Aw my little puppy it's okay. Dada just needs to wash this off and then you can have it back," Carlos told his daughter who was crying in Evie's arms as she reached out for her pacifier. Carlos just quickly tried to wash it off in the ocean water, but Evie's eyes just widened in shock.

"Carlos! You can't wash that off with ocean water and then give it to our baby to put in her mouth. That water is riddled with germs and bacteria. Here take her and I'll wash it off," Evie told Carlos who just sighed, but didn't argue as Evie was very protective and you did not want to mess with mama bear Evie.

Evie just quickly handed Mal to Carlos as she grabbed the sand covered pacifier and a bottle of water as she washed the pacifier off with the bottled water and made sure she got rid of all the sand before placing it back into their baby's mouth.

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