The Start Of Teething

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   "Okay come on sweetie crawl to mommy. You can do it. Come on I know you can do it," Evie told her baby as it was now about three in the morning and Mal had woken up in the middle of the night again. Evie knew that she wasn't supposed to force it, but after having that talk with those other moms she just couldn't stop worrying about it.

She had talked to Carlos about it earlier after they had stolen Mal back from Celia and put the kids to bed, but Carlos didn't seem to be worried claiming that all babies were different and she shouldn't worry about it, but Evie had always been a worrier. Evie sighed when the small baby just sat on her stomach not even trying to push up.

"Come on sweetie please crawl for mommy," Evie practically begged out, but Mal just looked up at her and started crying making Evie sigh as she knew Mal wasn't going to crawl. She just picked up her baby as she was about to place her back into the crib, but the baby just started sobbing more as she began to stick her fingers in her mouth which she had been doing recently. She had also been more fussy recently as well.

"Aww what's wrong sweetie?" Evie told her baby and the small baby just kept crying and rubbing at her cheek with one hand and chewing on her other making Evie a bit concerned as that wasn't normal behavior for Mal.

Evie just carefully took the baby's small hand out of her mouth and smiled when she saw the two tiny white teeth starting to pop out on the bottom of her gums. "Aw no wonder you're so cranky. You're finally getting some teeth. It's okay mommy will make it better," Evie told her fussy baby as she made her way to the fridge and pulled out one of the cold baby teether toys that she had put in the fridge as she knew Mal should be teething soon.

Evie then picked one up and handed it to her baby who quickly grabbed it and placed the teether in her mouth as she calmed down a little. She was still fussy, but she wasn't as fussy now that she had the toy.

Evie smiled a little as she knew Mal was finally teething even though she knew teething was going to be torture for all of them because Mal was going to be in a lot of pain. She was happy though because most babies her age already had a few teeth and she still had none until now.

After giving Mal the teether toy Evie carefully made her way to her bedroom that she shared with Carlos as she turned on her lamp by her side of the bed and carefully placed Mal on the bed as she didn't want to leave Mal alone in her crib while she was crying in pain from her teething.

Carlos just groaned when he saw the lamp on and heard his daughter in his bed. He loved his baby girl, but he knew that she needed to sleep in her own crib, but Evie always found a reason to keep Mal in their bed halfway through the night.

"Evie it's 3:30 in the morning. Why is our baby in our bed again," Carlos practically whined out as he had been sleeping, but Evie woke him up by turning on her lamp and placing their baby in their bed. Evie just smiled as she held the crying baby and rocked her.

"Okay so I know I told you last night that I would stop bringing her in here, but I have a valid reason as to why she should stay with us tonight," Evie told Carlos who just sighed as Evie said that every night. "Evie, you say that every night. How is tonight different," Carlos told his girlfriend and Evie just removed Mal's teether.

"It's different because look at that she's finally teething," Evie told Carlos and Carlos immediately perked up as he saw the tiny teeth starting to pop out as he reached over and felt them not believing it with only his eyes.

"Oh my gosh! You're right! She's finally getting teeth! I was starting to worry about that!" Carlos practically screamed out in happiness as he had been secretly just as worried as Evie, but he knew that Evie was a worrier and he didn't want to make her more worried.

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