Carvie's Prank

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     Carlos just looked at the younger girl as he had to hold back a laugh at how scared she was looking as their plan was working. They had explained everything to Ben and he had been very understanding in fact he had even agreed to let Hades and the others stay in Auradon as long as they didn't cause any problems.

He felt bad for the other villain kids and they hadn't caused any problems since they had gotten there. And he was in fact happy and relieved that Hades was kind enough to try and be in his daughter's life again and he was glad that Evie had a parent that actually cared about her and was willing to be in her life.

Carlos and Evie had decided to play a little trick on Dizzy though because even though they were supposed to be "grown up" and "responsible" as they were parents they were still teenagers, and they still liked to play around and be silly when they could since they didn't get a lot of time to be silly teens as they were expected to be like adults even though they were only sixteen and seventeen years old.

They decided that they would pretend to be scared and sad to trick Dizzy into thinking that Ben was sending them back. They knew it was cruel and mean to do something like that to her, but they couldn't help themselves. It was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.

Carlos just gave Dizzy a fake sad look and released a fake sigh. "Dizzy. Ben said that he... well he um... this is hard to say, but Ben he..." Carlos pretended to stutter out and had to hold back another laugh when Dizzy interrupted him. "He what? Just spit it out Carlos. I promise I can handle it. Just rip the band aid off already," Dizzy screamed out in panic as she was really scared right now and she wanted Carlos to just tell her what Ben said already.

Carlos and Evie both just looked at each other and burst out laughing not being able to keep up the act anymore. "Dizzy we were messing with you. Ben was very understanding and he even agreed to let Hades and the others stay in Auradon. Trust me Dizzy, Ben is our friend and he has such a good heart as soon as we explained the situation to him he understood completely," Evie told the younger girl with a smile making Dizzy look at the older two in shock and offence as they had thought it was funny to scare her like that.

"What that was so not funny. I was really scared. That was just cruel. I thought I was going to have to live on the Isle again! Why would you do something like that?" Dizzy told the other two as she was upset that they thought it would be funny to play with her like that. Evie just laughed as she looked at Dizzy. "Aw Dizzy, we're sorry. We didn't mean to scare you like that, but it was just too tempting. We promise we will never do that to you again," Evie told the younger girl as she pulled her into a hug and Carlos joined in while ruffling her hair playfully.

Dizzy just smiled as she released herself from the hug. "It's okay because I'm going to get you back and it's going to be even better than your stupid prank. You're not even going to see it coming," Dizzy told the other two with a smirk as she wouldn't let them get the satisfaction of winning. She was going to get them back for this and they wouldn't see it coming.

Evie and Carlos just laughed at the younger girl not believing her as Carlos ruffled her hair again "Oh of course you are," Carlos told the younger girl with a smile and then grabbed his baby from her smiling when he saw what she was wearing. "Aw Evie look at this. She really is my little pup," Carlos told Evie with a smile as he began to tickle his little baby that was dressed up as a dalmatian puppy. "Look at you. You're dada's little puppy. Yes you are. Yes you are. Aw I love you my adorable little pup," Carlos baby talked to his baby as he tickled her making her giggle happily as she was enjoying the love and attention that her daddy was giving her.

Evie just squealed as she ran over and picked up her baby from Carlos. The two of them had been so distracted with messing with Dizzy that they didn't even notice what the baby was wearing until just now, but now that they had they couldn't stop smiling at how adorable she looked in the puppy costume.

"Oh my gosh! That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I love it!" Evie squealed out as she tickled the baby making her giggle happily. "Aw look at my little puppy. You're just the cutest little thing I've ever seen. Yes you are. Yes you are," Evie baby talked to her baby as well as she couldn't help herself seeing how adorable her baby looked in the dalmatian puppy costume.

Dizzy just smiled as she looked at the older two who were both tickling their baby and fawning over the adorable costume. She was feeling proud of herself for making a costume that Evie and Carlos loved so much. "You know Evie I made that costume. I think it came out pretty good," Dizzy told Evie who smiled a proud smile as she hugged Dizzy close to her.

She was feeling proud of Dizzy's designing skills that she had taught her. "You made that? Wow I'm really impressed. See I told you that you were an amazing designer. Now let's make some more costumes because I'm in the mood for a baby fashion show now because this costume is just adorable and I want to see her in more of them," Evie told the younger girl with a smile.

Dizzy just smiled as she began to jump up and down happily. "Yay! We get to make more costumes! Oh My Gosh! I have some amazing ideas! Let me go get my stuff!" Dizzy squealed out excitedly as she ran to go grab some supplies as she didn't care about what they had been planning earlier since she would much rather design with Evie and play dress up with her little sister than to go swimming or get ice cream. Evie just laughed as she watched the younger girl get so excited as she had run off to get some supplies, so they could make more baby costumes.

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