Angry Villain Kids

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"Ugh this is so frustrating. We are never going to get out of here. We have been stuck in this stupid classroom for almost three hours and we are no where even close to figuring how to get out. I miss my baby girl. This is hopeless we can't even get out. How are we supposed to find my mirror if we can't even figure out how to get out of this stupid classroom?" Evie groaned out as they had been trying for hours to figure out how to get out, but nothing was working.

  They tried breaking the door down, but it didn't work. They tried screaming for help, but no one came by. They even tried calling for help on their phones that they got, but there was no service. They were all growing frustrated as they wanted to get out. Just as they were about to completely lose hope Jane walked by the door.

   She had been sent by her mom to check on the villain kids after the Vks hadn't been seen in any of their other classes. Her mom was worried that something had happened while they were talking to their parents on video call. Jane tried to open the door, but saw that it was locked. She twisted the lock that was on the wrong side of the door, so that she could unlock the door. It was supposed to be on the inside to lock people out not on the outside to lock people in.

   As soon as Jane unlocked the door the three villain kids came barreling out of the classroom basically knocking down the poor confused young girl. "Oh my gosh Jane thank you. You are a lifesaver," Evie practically screamed out in relief as she squeezed the younger girl into a tight hug.

  "Evie you are squeezing me way too tight. I can barely breathe. And I guess you're welcome? I don't really know what I did. I just unlocked the door," Jane told her friends as she tried to get out of Evie's tight grip.

   Evie just smiled nervously and embarrassingly as she released the younger girl. "Oh Jane I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hug you that tight. I'm just so relieved to be out of there. We have been stuck in there for hours and Audrey came back. We need to find my mirror because she kidnapped our baby and we need to use it to help us find her," Evie told the confused girl.

  Jane just stood there in shock as she didn't know what to do. Audrey had apparently kidnapped the innocent baby that she had threatened to kill earlier. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. What can I do to help? I want to help you guys take down Audrey and get Mal back. I can't believe Audrey would kidnap a baby. I want her in trouble. She has gone way too far," Jane rambled to the villain kids as she felt horrible that Audrey had harmed their baby and wanted to help in anyway.

   Carlos just smiled at Jane. "Yeah you can help us. The more people the better. Also you have magic right? That can come in handy. In fact maybe we don't even need Evie's mirror if you have magic. You can just use your magic to track her. That would be so much easier and save us so much time," Carlos told his friend as he began to think of all the ways in which having another person to help especially someone with magic could really benefit them and get his baby back quicker. He was terrified that Audrey was harming her or trying to kill her and the faster they found her the faster they could prevent any serious harm to their baby.

  Jane just looked at Carlos with a small nervous smile as she remembered that she did have a bit of magic. "Oh yeah I do have magic, but I'm not very good at it and I don't really know how to use it that well. I can try it though, but it most likely won't work," Jane told her friends nervously as she didn't like all the pressure they seemed to be putting on her as they were all staring at her with hope that she can help them get their baby back quicker.

  "No Jane it's fine we can just find Evie's mirror. We won't force you into doing anything that you aren't comfortable with. We just need to go back to Evie's dorm right now so we can search for her mirror and hurry because Audrey could be hurting my little puppy," Carlos told his friend as he saw how nervous and uncertain she looked about using her magic. He didn't want to make his friend do something that she was scared and uncomfortable doing even if it did mean he got his baby back faster.

   Jay and Evie both just gave Carlos angry and disappointed looks as they heard what he said to Jane. "What? Carlos are you serious? She can help us find our baby. It could take us days to find my mirror. We don't have days to waste. Audrey the evil girl who tried to kill our baby in front of me and then injured her in front of all of us. She has our baby. We don't have time to waste searching for my stupid mirror when Jane here can just use her magic. Carlos she could kill our baby. We don't have time to wait, we need to find her now," Evie practically screamed at Carlos as she began to break down crying again just thinking of all the cruel and horrible things Audrey could be doing to her sweet little baby girl.

  "I don't really care if you're scared or nervous Jane. You need to just suck it up and just use your magic. You said you wanted to help us. If you really wanted to help us you would just push aside your nervousness and use your magic to track down Audrey and Mal. Audrey is capable of so many evil things and right now she is angry. She feels like she has nothing to lose, so she doesn't care about what she does. And she hates us right now. The longer we wait and spend looking around for something that could be anywhere the easier it is for Audrey to snap and kill an innocent little baby. So Jane this isn't just some stupid favor that we need. There is an innocent defenseless baby's life on the line. You either use your magic and help us or you can leave and make us spend time searching for a mirror and risk never seeing innocent little Mal's adorable little face again," Jay screamed at Jane as he was losing his patients and just wanted to find his niece as soon as possible and hold her safely in his arms.

  He didn't want to waste time looking for Evie's mirror when Jane could just use her magic to find his niece and bring her back into their safe embrace.  Plus he was out for blood. He wanted to destroy Audrey and make her bleed and possibly die for what she had done and he wanted to do that now. He didn't want to wait any longer. He was sick of trying to be the level headed one and he just wanted to go crazy on Audrey and get his sweet little niece back.

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