Fairy Godmother To The Rescue

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"So are you going to listen to me or are you ready to say bye bye to your baby?" Audrey asked the sobbing young mother who was now thrashing as Lonnie and Jane tried to hold her back afraid of what Audrey would do to the baby if Evie managed to get passed them and tried to attack Audrey.

   "STOP! LET GO OF ME! I WANT TO HURT HER! I WANT MY BABY BACK! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET AWAY WITH THIS! I WON'T LET YOU HARM HER! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! I AM A VILLAIN KID DON'T TEST ME!" The furious, sobbing, and terrified young mother screamed as she continued to thrash and reach for her baby.

  "Evie you need to calm down okay we will figure this out, but attacking the monster is only going to make things worse,"Lonnie told her friend as she was terrified and she was trying to calm down the furious mother who just wanted her baby back. Lonnie had never seen Audrey act this evil before and she was terrified. She had seen Audrey get angry at people for being better looking than her and it led to some cat fights, but that was just stupid petty fights right now Audrey was threatening the life of a tiny defenseless baby.

  Evie just continued to thrash. "DO NOT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! SHE HAS MY BABY RIGHT NOW AND I WANT HER BACK! SHE IS HURTING MY BABY! WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON! LET GO OF ME! I WANT TO KILL HER!," Evie screamed as she was so done with all the villains and people trying to take her baby and harm her. Mal was her baby and she was going to protect her. She would not let Audrey harm her baby again and she certainly was not going to give Audrey the satisfaction of winning.

   Evie finally managed to get passed Lonnie and Jane as she ran towards Audrey. "Oh what are you going to do? I told you attacking me is only going to end badly for both you and your precious little baby girl," Audrey told her with an evil smile thinking that she had won.

   Before Evie could tackle Audrey for messing with her baby. There was a scream as everyone turned to look at the door where the scream had come from. They all froze as Fairy Godmother stood at the door looking both angry and confused.

   Fairy Godmother had been worried when the two villain girls had missed dinner and breakfast, so she had sent her daughter and her friend Lonnie to check on them. She became even more worried when her daughter and Lonnie had not returned after breakfast which led her to sending Audrey to go get them and see what happened.

   She became completely worried when none of the girls had been seen, so she decided to go check on Evie and Mal's dorm to see what was going on. She was completely shocked when she saw that not only was the room completely changed and it looked more like a nursery, but she also saw Audrey holding a screaming baby whose arm was bleeding while Jane and Lonnie were trying to hold back the thrashing VK who began to scream and threaten the girl who was holding the crying baby.  She also noticed that Mal was not there and her old things were gone.

   "STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!" the older fairy screamed as she was confused by all the fighting and wanted to stop the fighting. She immediately pulled out her wand that she brought as she was worried that she would need it. She used the wand to freeze all the girls as she picked up the baby from Audrey's arms and began to soothe her. "Shh it's okay. You sweet baby girl its okay. Shh." The fairy told the baby as she tried to soothe her.

  The baby just continued to cry as she reached for her mom that had been frozen from Fairy Godmother's magic. The older woman noticed this as she unfroze the girls now that she had Audrey out from her control and the girl no longer had the power as Fairy Godmother was now holding the crying injured baby.

  Evie immediately ran to her baby as she grabbed her from the older mother's hands and began to rock her and soothe her. "Shh mommys here Mallory. I know that evil princess tried to take you away and hurt you. Don't worry baby mommys not going to let anyone hurt you again. Now let's get you a band aid for your boo boo," she told her daughter as she began to look through the baby supplies as she looked for a band aid to stop the bleeding from the cut that Audrey had given to the baby.

  She smiled when she managed to find a blue one and tried to put it on Mal. She wanted to test out if Mal was okay because she knew that if Mal was okay she would fight her as she only wanted purple things or dragons.  Mal just looked at the band aid that didn't have purple on it and she began to cry as she pushed the band aid away. Evie smiled in relief as it seemed that Mal was fine. She then pulled out a purple one with a dragon on it as she put it on her baby.

   Fairy Godmother watched Evie tend to her baby as she then looked over at the other girls who all looked angry and scared. She wanted to know what happened. "Okay you four girls better tell me what happened right now because I want answers and none of you are leaving until I get them," Fairy Godmother told the girls in the room as she watched them all look at her in shock as they were not expecting her to react that way.

   Before any of the girls could answer her they heard another sound as they all looked over at the door to see a shocked Carlos, Jay, and Ben at the door as they had come by to check on the girls after hearing a bunch of loud noises from their dorm. Fairy Godmother just ushered them in as she closed the door and used her magic to lock the door, so that none of them cold leave as she wanted answers and the only way to get them would be to stop anyone from leaving as they would be forced to answer her. The teens all looked at the fairy in shock and fear as she continued to stare at them all waiting for them to start speaking.

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