Fun At The Zoo

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Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who reads this story and votes/comments.  I'm glad you guys enjoy it and I hope you continue to enjoy this story since like I've mentioned before I'm planning on continuing this for a long time and making it really long as I want to include more of Mal and Dizzy growing up, but I still have a lot of baby milestones/moments that I want to write about. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'm sorry for taking a long time to update this, but it's been kinda hard to keep up with all five of my stories since I like to update them all around the same time, but that takes a long time. And I've also been spending a lot of time making edits that go with my stories, but I hope this longer chapter makes up for it and hopefully my next chapter won't take as long to update.

Dizzy just smiled as she looked at Carlos. "Really I can pick where we go!" Dizzy asked Carlos excitedly as she began to jump up and down in excitement. Carlos just laughed at the younger girl as he picked up his baby from the floor as he began to pack up a diaper bag and a stroller for her.

"Yeah of course you can pick. It's my day with you and Mal and Mal is way too young to pick a place besides even if she was old enough to pick a place I would still let you pick since I want you to feel like you're included in this family because I know sometimes it seems like we give Mallory more attention, but that's just because she's a baby and not to mention a preemie so she requires a lot more attention and care than you do, but we love you both the same and you are a big part of our family," Carlos told Dizzy with a smile as he felt bad that it seemed as though Dizzy was left out a lot.

They hadn't meant to exclude Dizzy or give Mal more love than Dizzy, but Mal was a premature 6 month old baby and required a lot more care and attention than Dizzy. Dizzy just smiled as she looked at Carlos who was holding her baby sister.

"I know that I'm a part of the family and I know that you guys love me and Mal the same. You don't have to worry about that. I know that you give Mal more attention since she's a baby and honestly I don't mind. I love having a baby sister and I'm glad that Mallory gets to have the amount of love and care that she needs. However I'm not passing up on the chance to pick where we go because I really want to go to the zoo and see all of the animals! I've always wanted to do that and I think Mal would love it since she seems to really like animals," Dizzy told Carlos happily.

Carlos just laughed as he nodded. "Okay good and yeah that sounds amazing. Come on let's go now before it gets too crowded plus we don't want to be gone all day and the weather is better in the morning than it in the afternoon since it can get really hot in the afternoon," Carlos told Dizzy with a smile as he grabbed the stroller placing Mal in it and grabbing the diaper bag as he walked out the door and Dizzy followed after him locking the door.

When they reached the zoo Dizzy smiled as she unbuckled her seat belt and helped get her baby sister out of her baby car seat wanting to help Carlos since he had to get the stroller and diaper bag out of the car. Dizzy just laughed as she picked up the small baby. "Hey there my little cutie pie. Are you ready to have some fun and see some cool animals," Dizzy told the baby with a smile as she tickled her, making the small baby laugh.

"Alright come on then you, me, and daddy are going to see some cool animals, but don't tell daddy I called him that okay. I think he would be weirded out if he knew that I secretly thought about him like that since he's technically not my dad and he isn't even really that much older than me," Dizzy rambled to the small baby who was looking at her and nodding her head as if she was actually listening to Dizzy, but Dizzy doubt that the baby could actually understand her and she was honestly just rambling to get out some of her thoughts that had been bothering her.

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