Carvie Family Roadtrip

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   "Ugh Mal stop that! Mom! Dad! Mal won't stop throwing her teether toy at me! Ow! Mal stop that," Dizzy screamed out as they were in the car taking a road trip after their very busy day yesterday with all of the appointments that they had and they decided to have a mini family vacation for a few days.

"Just take it from her! Like this!" Celia told Dizzy as she reached over and grabbed Mal's teether toy from her and threw it in the back making the baby start sobbing.

"I didn't want to make her cry! I just wanted her to stop throwing her toy!" Dizzy screamed out to Celia who just rolled her eyes. "You said that you wanted her to stop throwing it well she stopped," Celia told Dizzy back, making Evie groan.

"Stop fighting! You two are family now, and family shouldn't be fighting like that. And Celia please stop taking toys from the baby. Now apologize to Mal for taking her toy," Evie screamed out immediately causing the two girls to stop fighting.

"You want me to apologize to a baby?" Celia asked Evie in disbelief and Evie just nodded. "Yes you made her cry, so you need to say that you are sorry," Evie told Celia who just rolled her eyes. "But she's a baby! I don't even think she understands words!" Celia told Evie who just gave her a stern look.

"Mal understands words, but she just can't say any yet. Now apologize to her or you are going to be in trouble. We don't tolerate fighting in this family," Evie told Celia who just sighed as she looked at the crying baby. "Mal, I am sorry for taking your toy and making you cry. There is that better," Celia asked Evie with an attitude and Evie saw that Mal was no longer crying as she nodded.

"Okay good," Evie told the two with a smile as she reached into the diaper bag and pulled out another teether toy as she reached over and handed it to Dizzy.

"Here give her this and if she throws it again then just tell her no. Do not throw this one in the back because I don't have anymore since you keep throwing them in the back," Evie told Dizzy and Celia as she handed them another teether toy to give back to the crying baby. Dizzy just nodded as she handed the teether back to her baby sister and Mal immediately placed it back in her mouth.

Once Evie was sure they were all situated again she turned back around and her and Carlos just continued their conversation. When Evie turned back around Dizzy and Celia went back into their conversation making the baby upset as she wanted Dizzy to pay attention to her.

Dizzy had been spending less and less time at home lately and when she was home she barely even played with Mal anymore and that made the baby upset as she wanted her big sister to pay attention to her and play with her. Mal wanted to get Dizzy's attention, but everytime she tried to talk, all that came out was gibberish babbling.

Mal just grabbed her teether as she threw it at Dizzy again hoping that she would finally get her big sister to notice her and play with her. The small baby smiled and clapped her hands when Dizzy finally looked at her again, but Dizzy took that as Mal thinking her pain was funny.

"Mal! Stop throwing this at me! Why are you not hitting Celia too!" Dizzy screamed out as she didn't like that Mal kept throwing her toys at her. Mal immediately stopped clapping and giggling as she realized that she had upset her sister again as she just started sobbing again making Carlos and Evie sigh.

"Okay Carlos pull over Dizzy you and I are going to switch because I think I should be back there with her anyway," Evie told Carlos who just nodded as he pulled into the nearest parking lot and Evie got out.

"No fair how come Dizzy gets to sit shotgun!" Celia screamed out making Evie sigh as she looked at Dizzy. "Dizzy is it okay if you let Celia sit up front, but I will sit next to Mal, so she can't throw her toy at you anymore," Evie asked Dizzy as she knew that Celia was more difficult than Dizzy.

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