Family Reunited

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                                                                               Evie and Mal's Dorm

Evie had gotten back to her dorm very quickly and began to call Carlos and Jay on her phone while bouncing a bit trying to calm Mal down after she had woken up and began to cry. Mal was now wearing an old purple baby onesie and a diaper that she managed to find buried deep in her old isle bag that she forgot she even had. Carlos picked up the phone right away to her relief. "Hey what's up?" Carlos asked her through the phone. "You and Jay need to come to our dorm. Mal's glamour is no longer on and I really need your help," she told the boy with urgency in her voice. "Wait, Really? Okay I told Jay we're on our way now," he told the young mother as he hung up the phone.

She just sighed as she continued to bounce up and down to calm Mal down. She was still worried, but she was feeling better as Mal had stopped shaking and didn't seem to be as pale anymore. Plus she didn't feel warm anymore. She continued to bounce up and down for a few more minutes before she heard a knock at her door.

She sighed in relief as she opened the door to see Carlos and Jay there along with Ben and Doug. She moved to the side to let them all in while Carlos just walked over to her and took Mal from her arms as he began to tickle her and baby talk to her enjoying seeing his daughter as a baby again. "Aw, look at you. You're dadas little princess aren't you Mallory. Yes you are. Dada missed you," he cooed at the tiny baby as he tickled her causing her to giggle.

Ben and Doug both looked at the villian kids in surprise while Evie who was no longer freaking out with the familiarity of having her VK group with her was also baby talking to her and playing with her hair. While Jay was smiling as he watched the two interact with their daughter and his niece.

"Wait, Carlos you're Mal's dad and did you just call her Mallory?" Ben asked the boy who was tickling his daughter. Carlos just smiled back at Ben before answering. "Yeah I am and I'm guessing you know that Evie is Mal's mom. Also, I called her Mallory because that's her real name Mallory Rose," the young father told the almost king.

"What did you really think I would just name my baby Mal? What kind of name is that? Also I refused to let Maleficent change her name and since she thought the name Mallory wasn't evil enough she called her Mal and told everyone her full name was Maleficent just she hadn't "earned" the name," Evie told the two Auradon boys wondering why they were so confused about Mal's real name not being Mal.

Doug just stood there as he listened to Carlos and Evie talk about Mal and her name while they continued to tickle and play with their baby. He began to feel jealous and angry as he watched Evie and Carlos interact together with Mal. The three of them looked like a real family, but he loved her. He didn't like Carlos being with Evie.

"So are you two dating or something if you have a baby together?" Doug asked them in an annoyed and obviously jealous tone.

"No were not dating. Us having Mal was a one time thing," Carlos told the jealous boy not liking the look that Doug was giving him and Mal.

"Oh so you two were just using each other for sex and messed up and ended up with a mistake," Doug told them in disgust.

Evie and Carlos were furious by this statement. How dare he call their baby a mistake. Yes she wasn't planned, but she was not a mistake. Evie and Carlos both loved their daughter.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL MY DAUGHTER A MISTAKE! SHE IS NOT A MISTAKE!" Evie screamed at the boy furious at him for calling her baby a mistake. She couldn't believe she ever liked Doug. "YEAH GET OUT OF HERE DOUG! YOU CANNOT JUST CALL OUR DAUGHTER A MISTAKE!" Carlos yelled at him also completely furious at Doug for calling his baby girl a mistake.

The screaming caused Mal to start crying as it scared her. Evie immediately calmed down as she grabbed Mal from Carlos and began to soothe her. "Way to go "parents of the year" you made your own baby cry," Doug told the two young parents in disgust as he opened the door and left.

Jay looked over at the two trying to calm their crying baby and then he looked at Ben. "What is wrong with your friend? How can you be friends with a boy like that?" he asked him in disgust as he walked over to his friends and began to make silly faces trying to help them make Mal stop crying.

"I don't know what happened with him. He is usually such a kind and good guy," Ben told the pissed off boy confused by Doug's change in personality.

He sighed as he watched Carlos and Evie both trying to calm their crying baby while Jay was trying to make her laugh, but none of it seemed to stop her from crying. Ben then remembered what Evie had said in the car about not having any baby supplies. He knew that they needed to get some as she was probably upset because she was hungry. Which meant they had to get baby formula and bottles. They would also need to replace Mal's bed with a crib as it would be dangerous for her to sleep in a bed. They would need diapers, baby clothes, blankets, toys, pacifiers, a stroller, a baby car seat and so many other baby things.

As he was thinking about all the baby supplies that Evie and Carlos needed he remembered that he had bought a pacifier with a stuffed dragon attached to it before he came over to check on Evie and Mal. After Evie had mentioned not having any baby supplies as he wanted to give something to Mal that would comfort her until Evie and Carlos had time to go get her baby supplies. He pulled it out as he walked over to the group.

"Here try this. It should help calm her down," he told them as he handed the pacifier and blue and purple dragon toy to them. The three of them looked at him in surprise, but took it from him as Evie put the pacifier in the screaming baby's mouth. It immediately calmed her down as she hugged onto the stuffed dragon toy attached to it. They all sighed in relief as Mal stopped crying enjoying the soothing pacifier and the comfy dragon toy. She began to wiggle around wanting to be put down. Evie just smiled at her tiny daughter as she placed on the ground and Mal began to lay on her tummy and try to lift up her head and chest.

"Thank you so much, Ben that really helped," Evie told him in gratitude as she watched her adorable daughter try to lift herself up on the floor as she began to develop that skill. It was the first time in awhile that she got to see Mal as a happy and carefree normal baby who wasn't struggling to survive. "No problem Evie. I told you that I was going to help you guys. I um came up with a list of some baby things that you guys are going to need," Ben told her as he handed her a piece of paper with a list of baby supplies on it.

Evie began to read through it. "Oh wow that's a lot of things. That sounds expensive," she told him in surprise she didn't realise that they needed that many things. He just smiled at her "don't worry about the prices. I'm practically the king of Auradon. I can get you all the supplies for free," he told her noticing how worried she was becoming again over the prices of all the supplies she would need for her baby.

Evie and the others looked over at him in surprise. "Are you sure about that? I don't really know how I feel about stealing baby supplies. I mean this isn't the Isle," she told him. "It's fine and you're not stealing them. I'm allowing you to get these supplies for free. Don't worry I'll come with you guys and besides we already made the exception for you when you first came here so they should know not to charge you guys for baby supplies," he told the surprised villain kids. He looked over at the small baby on the floor who was no longer trying to lift herself up as she began to cry again in hunger.

Evie was about to go over and pick her up when Carlos had already gotten there and was now trying to rock her back and forth to calm her. "I think we should go shopping right now. I think she's hungry and you guys don't have any baby formula plus you are going to need a crib for her to sleep in tonight" Ben told them. Evie watched as Mal cried from hunger and it made her miss the days when she could feed Mal from her own body instead of needing to buy formula.

"Alright let's go then," she told all the boys as she grabbed Mal from Carlos along with the pacifier and dragon toy that she gave back to Mal after the young baby had dropped it and then she headed for the door. The others just followed after her as Ben led them to his Limo, so they could get baby supplies.

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