Baby Clothes Disagreement

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   Evie woke up the next day to find her baby crying while trying to roll over. Evie smiled as she went to the crib and lifted her daughter up. "Aw honey were you trying to rollover? Sweetie you can't do that yet. It's okay honey. You just aren't strong enough yet, but you will get there soon. Now let's get you changed and fed. We have a big day today. Mommy and daddy's friend is becoming a king today," Evie told the baby as she changed her and then grabbed a bottle.

Evie just smiled as she fed her baby. She was enjoying having her baby safely in her arms again. When she was done feeding her baby Evie just placed her on her baby mat. And laughed as she watched her try to grab at the toys that were hanging down over her.

Evie just sat down by her wanting to make sure that the baby was okay. She smiled when she heard a knock at her door. She picked up the hyper baby who was giggling as she went to answer the door. She smiled bigger when she saw Carlos. "Hey Evie I know we agreed that no one would bother you guys early in the morning, but I really missed my girls. And I wanted to come see you guys," Carlos told Evie with a smile as he hugged her and then kissed her.

Evie just smiled after they pulled away. "Aw it's okay. We missed you too. I was actually just about to call you. Mal wants her dada," Evie told Carlos as she handed him the baby who was reaching out for him and giggling.

Carlos smiled as he held his baby and bounced her up and down making her giggle more. "Hey there my little pup. Dada missed you too. Aw you're such a happy little baby huh. Yeah you like being with dada. You're dada's little puppy. I love you so much my little pup," Carlos told his daughter as he continued to bounce her and start babbling trying to get her to copy him.

Evie just laughed as she watched Carlos get so excited to be with their baby and Mal was giggling her little head off as she thought Carlos was hilarious. "Aw sweetie is dada being funny. Yeah dada's funny huh," Evie told the giggling baby as she began to tickle her making her laugh more.

Carlos just smiled as he put his arm around Evie. "You know I could get used to this. You know waking up and being with you and Mal everyday. I'm really glad that I get to be a part of your lives more. I actually get to be with you guys during the day now that I don't have to work for my cruel mother. I get to spend all my time with my two favorite girls," Carlos told Evie with a smile as he was so glad that he was in Auradon and could be there for his baby and his girlfriend during the day.

He didn't even realize how much he had missed out on when he was only seeing them during the afternoon and at night. Mal was so hyper and awake right now, and he loved that he could just relax and spend his time playing with her and making her laugh. Evie just smiled as they sat down on her bed and she just placed her head on his shoulder and leaned onto him while she was running her fingers through their baby's hair.

"I know what you mean. I love this. We get to just be with each other like a family. Even though we do have to start getting ready for Ben's coronation soon. And I still have no clue what I am wearing. And now I have to find a cute outfit for Mal, but she hates wearing girly clothes. And I don't have any dresses for her. I think I'm just going to have to make one really quickly because I'm out of options," Evie told Carlos as she began to stress about Ben's Coronation.

Mal just laughed in Carlos' arms as she watched Evie stress out. Evie just looked at her baby who was clearly laughing at her stress. She just picked her up from Carlos' arms as she smiled at her. "You think this is funny huh? Maybe you do have some wickedness in you. I blame your evil fake mother," Evie told her baby as she tickled her making her giggle more.

Carlos just laughed as he made funny faces making the baby laugh even more. Evie gasped when she realized the time. "Oh gosh Carlos we literally spent all day just sitting on this bed and playing with Mal. We have like no time to get ready for Ben's coronation, and I still need to make Mal a dress," Evie told Carlos as she began to panic about them not making it on time to Ben's coronation.

Carlos just picked up their baby and placed her in her bouncer. He then grabbed Evie's hand in order to comfort her. "Evie hey relax it's okay. We still have time to get ready on time. I will go back to my dorm and get ready and hopefully Jay is up by now. You just focus on getting yourself ready and as for Mal she doesn't need a fancy dress. Evie she's a baby and she's most likely going to be sleeping through the whole thing anyway. Just put her in a onesie and call it a day," Carlos told his girlfriend as he tried to calm her down and make her feel less stressed.

Evie just gasped as she looked at Carlos. "What? You want me to take our daughter out to a formal event dressed in a onesie? Carlos are you crazy?" Evie asked him in shock and disbelief as she couldn't believe Carlos wanted to just let their baby wear whatever to a formal event. Everyone in Auradon was going to be there.

Carlos just rolled his eyes at his girlfriend who was so obsessed with fashion and looking good that she thought they needed to dress up their baby who was going to be sleeping the whole time anyway. "Oh come on Evie. She isn't even one yet. No one is going to judge us for not dressing up our sleeping baby. Especially when we don't have anything fancy for her. Besides we can just bring a stroller and cover her up with a blanket, so no one has to see her. We can just tell everyone that she is sleeping and to not mess with her. Nobody is going to question us," Carlos told Evie as he was trying to convince her to just put Mal in a onesie. He knew it was going to be late, and he didn't want their baby to be uncomfortable in some fancy dress.

Evie just groaned as she looked at her baby who was playing in her bouncer. "Okay fine, but I'm not putting her in a onesie. I'll just put her in a cute baby outfit that's still comfortable. That way she's at least presentable. Now seriously go get ready for Ben's coronation and make sure Jay gets ready too. We'll meet back up here in a few hours, so we can go to the coronation together," Evie told Carlos as she kissed him goodbye.

Carlos just smiled as they pulled away. He then walked over to the bouncer and kissed Mal on the forehead. "Bye sweetie dada will be back soon. I love you," Carlos told his little girl as he left to go get ready for the coronation.

Once Carlos was gone Evie just looked at her happy baby. "Dada is crazy huh. Yes he is. Now let's go get you ready," Evie cooed as she picked her up and changed her into a cute white long sleeved shirt with purple polka dots on it along with a dark purple zip up vest on top with light purple pants. "There you go. Now you look cute enough to go to Ben's coronation," Evie told her baby as she tickled her and then placed her back into her baby bouncer, so that she could get herself changed and ready to go.

Evie just smiled as she watched Mal play with the toys hanging down over her in the bouncer. She loved seeing her baby, so happy. She just sighed when she knew that she couldn't just sit down and watch her baby play since she needed to get ready or else she would never make it to the coronation, and Ben was her friend. She couldn't miss his coronation. Plus tomorrow he was doing them a huge favor. He was going to be shaming Audrey and sending her to the Isle.

Evie just took one last look at her playful baby and kissed her forehead before getting up and going to her closet to pick out a cute dress for the coronation, so that she could get herself ready to go.

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