Trouble Begins

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"Um Audrey. Hi What are you doing here," Jane asked Audrey nervously as she ignored Audrey's loud question. "Ugh, it doesn't matter why I'm here. I want to know what is going on here?" Audrey asked as she stared daggers at Evie who was staring daggers back at her as she bounced the baby who was no longer laughing as she was crying again from Audrey's loud shouts.

  "Really Audrey. Is it not bad enough that you mess with us in school, but now you have to terrorize us in our own dorms," Evie told the girl in disgust and anger as she tried to soothe her screaming baby again. She was getting so sick of people coming to her dorm and messing with her baby. This was like the third or fourth time that she has had to calm and soothe her crying baby due to the interruption of strangers.

  "Oh like I want to be here. I told you I came for Jane and Lonnie it's not my fault that you are clearly hiding something and I want answers. Like where the heck did you get that poor baby and why did you replace all of Maleficent's evil spawn's things and where is she? I bet she got herself thrown back on the Isle," Audrey told Evie with clear disgust and dislike.

  Evie just laughed at Audrey for being so stupid that she couldn't figure it out when pretty much everyone else that had seen Mal had pretty much figured it out. "Oh wow you really are a dumb princess. Really, you can't figure out what happened?  Let's see Mal's things are replaced with baby supplies that are purple and full of dragons which are Mal's two favorite things and you really can't piece things together. Also Mal isn't gone because you are literally staring right at her. And as for where the baby came from well you're sixteen years old surely you've had that talk before," Evie told Audrey with an attitude as she couldn't believe how stupid Audrey really was anyone with a brain could pretty much figure out what happened or at least get close to.

   "What?!? You are trying to tell me that innocent tiny baby is really Mal the most evil and terrible kid I know? Wow so Maleficent decided to wait until she was super old to bring a child into the world. What a stupid move on someone who is supposedly super smart," Audrey said in disgust as she still hadn't pieced it together that Mal wasn't Maleficent's daughter, but Evie's instead.

   Evie just laughed again as she walked towards the playpen and placed her daughter in it as she had fallen back to sleep again in Evie's arms. "Oh wow you still don't get it. Seriously the blue hair and brown eyes don't give it away. Mal is not Maleficent's daughter she is mine gosh how hard is it for you to figure out," Evie told the princess in anger as she was getting annoyed by the fact that Audrey was too dumb to put it all together when it was pretty obvious.

  Audrey just stared at Evie in shock and disgust as her brain processed everything. "Oh My Gosh you're a teen mom. That is disgusting, but like I mean it makes since your mom is the Evil Queen I bet you sleep with all the guys. In fact I bet you've slept with so many guys that you don't even know who you're baby's father is." Audrey told Evie in pure disgust as Audrey saw it as wrong for a teenager to get pregnant and to her teen moms were just irresponsible girls who messed around with guys all the time that they eventually messed up and ended up getting pregnant.

  Evie just glared at Audrey with a death stare. "How Dare You! I do not sleep with all the guys and I know exactly who Mal's father is as it is the only person I have slept with which is Carlos," Evie quietly yelled at her as to not disturb her sleeping daughter. She couldn't believe that Audrey would dare to accuse her for sleeping around when she had only done it once and that was with the father of her baby.

  Lonnie and Jane both looked surprised as they didn't know who Mal's father was either as Evie hadn't been able to tell them yet due to Audrey rudley deciding to show up. Audrey just looked even more grossed out and disgusted.

  "OMG gross. EWW isn't he like your brother or something? That is just sick and disgusting. I always knew you villian kids were messed up. Sleeping with your own brother is just wrong," Audrey told Evie as it looked like she was trying not to throw up from how disgusted she was.

  "OH MY GOD. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU AUDREY? CARLOS IS NOT MY BROTHER! WE ARE IN NO WAY RELATED AND I HAVE NEVER ONCE REFERRED TO HIM AS MY BROTHER!" Evie screamed at Audrey in pure hatred and disgust as Audrey was accusing Evie of commiting insest.

    "Either way it's still wrong for you to have a baby with or without incest. I bet you are a terrible mother. And I actually feel bad for Mal for having you as a mother," Audrey told Evie in disgust.

      "HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF BEING A TERRIBLE MOTHER! I AM A GOOD MOTHER! AND IF ANYTHING I FEEL BAD FOR YOUR FUTURE CHILDREN AS THEY WILL BE STUCK WITH SUCH A TERRIBLE JUDGEMENTAL MOTHER," Evie yelled at Audrey pissed at her for accusing her of being a bad mom when she knew that she wasn't. She loved her baby and she was always watching her and caring for her. Mal was her whole world.

   Lonnie and Jane both just stood by the door in silence as they didn't like what was going on and they didn't want to get involved in the arguments. However, they couldn't believe how rude and mean Audrey was being. They knew that Audrey didn't like the VKs, but accusing Evie of first sleeping around, then incest, and finally calling Evie a terrible mother was just wrong. Before they could say something to Audrey about her being way out of line Audrey did something even more wrong.

    Audrey pushed Evie onto the ground as she walked towards the playpen with the baby who was now crying. She then smiled evilly as she picked up the tiny screaming baby. "Oh look at you Evie. You are such a terrible mom that you can't even protect your own baby. It was so easy for me to get to her," Audrey told Evie in mockery as she held Evie's baby who was crying and screaming while reaching out for her mom.

    Evie was pissed at Audrey as she watched her baby cry and scream for her. Evie got up right away and tried to grab Mal back from Audrey. "GIVE ME BACK MY BABY!" she screamed at the girl who was holding her baby up high in the air so that Evie couldn't get to her. "Oh and what are you going to do? You can't attack me I'm holding your precious baby. If you attack me it will just cause for me to drop your precious baby and she will get hurt. Then you will be an even worse mother than you already are," Audrey told the distressed young mother as she held the screaming baby in her arms as she knew that she had won.

    There was no way that Evie was going to try and attack her as it would only result in Mal getting hurt. She looked at the baby in pure disgust as she was still angry at the girl from what she had done when she still had her glamour on. She wanted revenge and she knew the perfect way to get back at her and harm the villain kids as it would be a win win.

   "Audrey stop this please just give me back my baby. I'm sorry for what Mal did when she still had her glamour on, but that doesn't matter anyway. It wasn't real it was all fake shes not even really sixteen. She's just a baby please just give her back to me. I get it you don't like us, but please don't take it out on her she is just an innocent baby," Evie cried and pleaded in desperation as she tried to get her baby back from the evil princess.

   She was terrified that Audrey was going to harm her baby and it was torture to hear her baby scream and cry and she could't soothe her as she couldn't even get to her baby. This reminded her of when Mal was only two months old and her mother had stolen Mal from her box in the middle of the night on the Isle. Evie had been screaming and pleading with her mom that night to let her keep her baby, but her mother just held her back like Audrey was doing now and gave her to Maleficent. The thought of losing her baby again just completely terrified her.

   "Audrey don't do this just give Evie back her baby. This is just wrong. You are acting like an evil villain," Lonnie told the girl as she couldn't keep silent anymore as Audrey had gone beyond just verbal bullying to straight up threatening Evie with her baby's life.

   "Audrey please this is bad she is just a baby. Are you really this cruel and petty that you would harm an innocent baby?" Jane asked the angry girl who was still holding onto the crying baby and looking at her in complete hatred.

  "Oh I don't think so. The fun has just started. And she is not an innocent baby she ruined my  life. And now I have the power, so I think that you guys will listen to me or else something might happen to your precious little baby," Audrey told the girls, but mainly Evie as she dug her long fingernails into the poor crying baby's tiny arm and smiled evilly when the baby's cries got louder as she began to bleed from the sharp nails digging in her tiny arm.

   "That was just a warning. Trust me you're going to want to listen to me or I swear I will do worse," Audrey told the sobbing girls as she laughed evilly enjoying the fact that she had all the power.

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