Mother Daughters Time

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A few seconds later Dizzy came running back with a bunch of supplies as she placed them down in the center and sat down sorting through them happily. Evie just laughed as she sat down next to Dizzy placing her baby in her lap while she helped Dizzy sort through the items that she brought over.

    Carlos just smiled and rolled his eyes at his fashion designer girlfriend who was now so invested in designing that she was barely even focusing on anything else. "Evie, come on please don't do this to our baby," Carlos told his girlfriend playfully as he sat down by her with Dude next to him.

     Evie just smiled as she looked up at him. "Oh come on Carlos. Look at her she's adorable in this little puppy costume. Just imagine how adorable she is going to look in more costumes like this. You know I'm a sucker for adorable things like this," Evie told her boyfriend excitedly as she bounced their daughter up and down while laughing when the small baby would giggle back.

     Carlos just laughed as he tickled the tiny giggling baby. "Evie come on. I know she would look adorable in more costumes, but she's a baby Evie. She's an actual human baby. She' not just some cute doll that you can dress up for fun," Carlos told his girlfriend as he knew that Evie and Dizzy loved fashion and cute baby outfits, but he didn't want them to torture his baby by making her wear a bunch of uncomfortable costumes just because it would look cute.

      Evie just laughed again as she finished helping Dizzy sort through the items. "Okay fine Carlos we won't make her wear any more costumes. But you will be regretting that when you don't get to see her all dressed up adorably in adorable little baby costumes," Evie told Carlos playfully back while also giving Dizzy a wink to let Dizzy know that it wasn't over.

     Carlos just laughed as he got up and answered the door as there was a knock at the door. Carlos just smiled when he saw that it was Jay holding up some video game. "Hey Carlos look what I got! It's the new video game that you have been trying to get your hands on for weeks now!" Jay told his friend excitedly, making Carlos smile wide as he grabbed the video game from Jay.

       "Oh wow! No way! We have got to play this like right now! Evie is it okay if I leave you alone with Dizzy and Mal to go play this with Jay," Carlos asked his girlfriend as he didn't want to leave Evie by herself if she didn't want him to despite how much he really wanted to play the new video game with his best friend.

        Evie just laughed as she placed Mal down with Dizzy and walked over to Carlos kissing him. "Yeah I don't mind at all. Go have fun with Jay. I could use some girl time with my girls. Thank you for not just leaving though. You are such an amazing guy which is why I love you so much," Evie told her boyfriend with a smile as she hugged him and kissed him making Carlos smile and blush as he kissed her back.

        "Okay great and thank you so much Evie. I love you too. Now come on Jay let's go back to our dorm and play that new game," Carlos told Evie and then Jay as he and Jay made their way out of the dorm to go back to their dorm and play some video games.

          Once the boys left Evie smiled as she sat down by Dizzy again and picked Mal back up. "Well now that we have the boys out of the way let's make some baby costumes," Evie told the younger girl with a smile completely disregarding everything she had agreed to with Carlos. Dizzy just laughed. "But Evie I thought Carlos said he didn't want us to do this and you agreed not to do it," Dizzy told the older girl in confusion. Evie just laughed as she looked at Dizzy.  "Oh Dizzy what Carlos doesn't know won't hurt him. Besides she's my baby too and I can make decisions on my own," Evie told the younger girl who just laughed knowing that Evie was right she then pulled out her sketchbook as she held up a sketch that she made of a dragon baby costume knowing how much her baby sister loved dragons.

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