Ben Vs Evie

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Ben just stood there as he watched Evie grab the baby from his hands. She didn't even look confused by seeing her best friend as a baby. He was also kind of scared by Evie's normally kind and gentle voice that was now filled with venom and dislike towards him as she also gave him a death stare. He didn't understand what he did that was so bad. Then he suddenly remembered what she had just said "Give me my baby."

  Those words kept repeating in his head as he tried to process everything that just happened. Mal was really just a baby made to look like a sixteen year old girl, and Evie had just called Mal her baby. Not to mention her new appearance of the blue hair and brown eyes. Was it really possible that Evie was really Mal's mom? He looked over at her as she held Mal to her protectivly. He wanted to ask her so many questions, but the stern look Evie was giving him told him she didn't want to deal with him or his questions.

  Evie continued to hold Mal close to her refusing to let go as she was afraid of losing her again. She was pissed at Ben. What had he done to her? She was soaking wet and burning up with a fever. She wanted to hurt Ben for what he did to her baby. "What is wrong with you? Why are you staring at me? And what did you do to my baby?" She asked him clearly pissed at him.

  "I um. It's complicated okay. She jumped in the lake while I was swimming I couldn't stop her and the lake washes off all spells. That's why she's a baby again and by the look on your face I can assume you already knew she was really just a baby." Ben told her nervously as he was afraid of Evie right now. She wasn't just some stupid ditzy princess who was obssessed with getting a prince right now she was a protective mother whose baby was hurt and it was partly his fault.

  His words only seemed to anger Evie more. "Of course I knew that she was really a baby. She is MY BABY," she told him still angry at him. She also made sure to emphasize the words My Baby so that he would get it through his head that Mal was her daughter.

  "I'm sorry Evie. I didn't mean for this to happen. But this is partly your fault if you didn't put a glamour on her than she never would have spelled me and none of this would have happened. Plus you guys knew that she was really just a baby, but you let her spell me and go on a date with me knowing that I'm a sixteen year old boy and she is really just a what one year old baby?" He told her getting irritated at Evie for being mad at him and blaming him when it wasn't all his fault.

  "Your blaming me seriously. You have no clue what it is like to be the child of a villain. You get to live this perfect life while we all suffered. You have no clue what it is like to live with a mother who constantly judges everything you do. You never had to experience abuse or hunger. And you never had to go through a rough teenage pregnancy, almost lose the baby, and then have your mother steal her from you and give her to the worst villian to exist. And I did not put that glamour on her. Maleficent put that on her when she found out that you were bringing kids from the isle to Auradron." Evie practically screamed at him pissed at him for trying to blame her for this. Ben was an Auradon prince heck almost king how dare he blame her for the things they had to do to survive.

  Ben just stared at her as she began to cry still holding Mal closely to her and he no longer felt angry or irritated she was right. He did grow up in a nice home he had super good and caring parents who loved him. "I'm sorry, Evie. I shouldn't have said those things. You're right I don't know what it is like to experience those terrible and horrible things. I'm sorry. Can we please just put aside our differences and be friends again. I want to help you guys. All four of you because I know that it isn't just you and Mal who suffered. I know it was also Jay and Carlos too," he told her trying to ease her anger and stop the fighting.

  She just looked at him and he was pretty sure she was going to say something bad again, but she just smiled at him. "Okay Ben. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you I was just scared and my protective side came out. We can still be friends and I think we would all really appreciate your help," she told him in her calm gentle voice again.

  He noticed Evie's concerned face start to form as she began to feel Mal shake again. "We should probably go back to your dorm and get Mal inside. Then we can maybe talk more about how all this happened," he told her trying to calm her nerves. Evie gave him a grateful look "Yeah you're right. I think she's getting sick. We should get her inside the warm dorm. Come on Doug drove me and he told me he would be waiting for us," she told him as she began to hurry towards the car anxious to get her baby in some dry and warm clothes.

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