A Baby Rescued

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It had been about an hour since Audrey had left and Chad was stuck with the baby that Audrey had kidnapped. He didn't know what to do with it. He was alone with a screaming and crying baby and he had no clue how to deal with a baby. The only thing he managed to do was find some band aids that he stuck on the baby so that she wouldn't bleed out because he was pretty sure that could happen, but he didn't really know. It was just incase.

  "Ugh stop crying you annoying baby. I'm trying to think about what to do. You're hurting my ears. What do you want? Do you want to play with my keys? Babies like keys right?" Chad told the crying baby as he placed her on the ground and handed her his dirty metal keys that were full of germs to play with.

   The baby just picked up the keys and placed them in her mouth as she stopped crying enjoying the soothing feeling of the keys. Chad smiled when he managed to get the baby to finally stop crying. He felt like such an "amazing" "father."

    "Oh yeah I did that. I made the baby stop crying. I'm such an amazing person. I'm going to make such an awesome and great dad. I'm the best father ever, I can totally do this father thing," Chad told himself while looking in the mirror. He was so distracted by his ego that he didn't notice the group of Vks, Jane, and Lonnie who had snuck into his dorm through a secret entrance.

    As soon as Evie and the others made it through the entrance the tiny baby on the floor looked up to see her parents and uncle Jay. She smiled so happily as she tried to lift herself up, so she could reach her mommy as she was eager to get back into her mommy's safe embrace. Evie smiled so big as she ran over to her baby who was struggling to lift her tiny head and chest and picked her up, holding her to her in such a warm and protective embrace.

   "Oh my sweet little poison apple. I missed you so much baby girl. Mommy missed you so much. It's okay baby girl mommy is here and so is daddy, Uncle Jay, and your new aunts Jane and Lonnie. We are going to stop those mean evil villains who took you away from us and hurt you. Don't worry baby girl. You are safe now sweetie. I'm never letting you go again," Evie told her baby as she was so relieved to have her baby girl back into her safe embrace.

     She frowned a bit when she saw the dirty germ infested keys that the baby had in her mouth. "Oh sweetie. What do you have in your mouth? Here give it to mommy. Yeah good girl. Here I brought your dragon binky. That's safer and way more clean," Evie told the tiny baby as she grabbed the dirty keys from her tiny baby and replaced them with her baby's favorite dragon toy and pacifier. 

   The baby just giggled and smiled as she enjoyed being back in her mommy's warm safe arms. And she loved having her comforting soft dragon plushie and the soothing pacifier that didn't stop her from making noises. She just cuddled up more as she fell asleep against her momma's chest feeling warm and protected. Evie smiled happily as she held her sleeping baby to her chest once again.

   Chad was still so distracted by his own reflection and his ego that he didn't even hear Evie who was now holding onto her baby once again. He also didn't see the other people who were starting to get closer to him.

"Oh yeah I'm a great baby watcher. Right Mal? Mal?" Chad called out in panic when he realized that the baby wasn't on the floor where he left her.

  He froze when he looked over and saw the group of Vks, Jane, and Lonnie all moving to surround him. He became even more freaked out when he saw Evie who was holding the tiny sleeping baby in her arms. He shrieked as he backed up trying to get away from the clearly angry and revenge seeking people. He realized he messed up and was in serious trouble. Audrey was going to kill him too when she found out that he took his eyes off the baby and she was back in her parent's arms.

That was the one big thing that Audrey had really been adamant about. He was not supposed to allow Evie and Carlos to get their baby back. She made it very clear that she would kill him if he did.

"Oh hey guys. Can we talk about this before we do anything drastic? I know you're angry, I get it, but maybe we can sit down and have a civil conversation instead of trying to fight each other and using violence. I mean you don't want to use violence in front of the baby. What kind of example would that set for her?" Chad told the others nervously as he tried to calm them down and stop them from trying to get payback for him helping Audrey.

   He didn't even want to help her. She basically forced him to help her. She tricked him into thinking that she was good and then used her power to scare and force him into working for her when he found out the truth. He would rather just be in front of his mirror by himself pretending to be king then to be involved in this.

   He was perfectly fine just playing imaginary king with his mirror, but Audrey had forced herself into his dorm and tricked him into making him her minion. And forcing him to keep a baby captive from her own parents. Now he was about to get killed by the baby's angry parents and their friends.

   He began to shake from fear as he realized that they weren't backing down and still looked angry. "Oh there is no way that we are letting you get away with this. You are evil and you are helping Audrey. You were keeping our baby girl captive. There is no way that we are going easy on you. You are going to pay for this Chad. You messed with the wrong group of people," Carlos told the scared boy who was just staring at the others with his eyes wide in fear.

   Carlos and Evie were both furious by the boy who had been keeping their little girl captive and away from them. It didn't matter what Chad said he was involved and he was going to pay for it. "Wait guys where is Audrey?" Lonnie asked when she noticed that the evil girl didn't seem to be there.

    The others just looked around in panic as they hadn't even realized that the evil girl wasn't in the room with Chad. They all hardened their glares as they looked at the scared cowardly boy.

   "Chad where is Audrey? Tell us right now! She is going down! And if you know what's good for you right now you will tell us where Audrey is! We're already mad at you right now and trust me when I say this you don't want to mess with villain kids. We grew up on the Isle and we have done so many things to survive. We are not afraid to make you bleed for helping the girl who kidnapped and hurt our little girl. You will tell us where Audrey is or you will be bleeding and begging for your mommy," Jay told the cowardly boy as he got all up in his face trying to intimidate him and threaten him into telling them where the evil girl who had kidnapped and hurt his niece was.

    Chad just began to shake in fear as he tried to escape the room. He froze when he realized he couldn't escape from the room. "What? How? Why can't I open my door? What did you do to my door?" Chad asked in fear and panic as he kept trying to get his door open to escape the wrath of the angry protective parents and their friends. "Oh about that. I used my magic to lock us all in here. You are not leaving Chad. You are stuck here with us. Now start talking or else," Jane told the frightened boy who was still trying to figure out a way out of his dorm.

   Chad just looked at all the people in his room who were just giving him death glares and he froze in fear not saying anything. He was terrified and he honestly did just want his mother. He was being tormented by both Audrey and now the villain kids and their friends. He couldn't tell them where Audrey was; she would kill him, but if he didn't tell them then the others were going to destroy him. He was in a lose lose situation and he was terrified.

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