Sisters Bonding

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Ben just stood in Evie's dorm with his eyes widened and his mouth open in shock and fear. He wasn't expecting to find the God of The Underworld just casually being in his friend's dorm with his friends, and his friends looked like they had been talking with him. They definitely didn't look like they were about to turn him in for escaping in fact it looked like the opposite. The look his friends were giving him made it look like they had been trying to hide Hades from him, but he didn't understand why.

    Ben didn't know what to believe anymore. He had trusted Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Dizzy, but now he was feeling betrayed. Had his friends really helped the villains escape? Was Queen Leah right? Were his friends really evil and just really good at manipulating people? Ben just shook his head deciding that he couldn't think that way without talking to his friends first.

    Ben just took a deep breath to try and calm himself down as he looked at his friends who were also frozen not saying anything. The only one that wasn't silent was their baby who was just innocently giggling in Carlos' arms while playing with his hair oblivious to what was going on around her.

    Ben just sighed as he gave one last glance at the innocent baby just hoping that he was wrong, and his friends had a reasonable explanation for Hades being in the dorm because he knew that if Queen Leah had been right he would be forced to ship them back to the Isle and he didn't want to do that especially to the happy innocent baby. He would have to force her to live on the Isle again and take away her happy childhood either that or he would save her from the Isle torture, but he would send her parents away leaving her to grow up without her family and he didn't want to do that either. She didn't deserve to have her family ripped away from her before she was even a year old.

    Ben just sighed as he looked at his scared friends. He really didn't want to have this conversation, but he had to make sure that they were really innocent. He was a king and he had a job as the king of Auradon to right the injustices and if his friends were guilty he had to know because he couldn't be biased. "Evie, Carlos, Hades I need to speak with you alone. It's important," Ben told his friends with his serious voice. Evie just came out of her shocked state as she looked at Dizzy who looked terrified. Evie couldn't let Dizzy know how scared they were right now. It is their job as her guardians to protect her and make her feel safe.

     Evie just grabbed Mal from Carlos as she handed her to Dizzy giving Dizzy a small fake smile trying to make it not seem so bad for Dizzy despite how terrified she was right now. "Dizzy sweetie you stay here with Mallory," Evie told the younger girl as she handed her baby to her. Dizzy just looked at Evie in worry as she picked up her baby sister from Evie.

     She didn't know what was happening, but Ben sounded serious and Evie and Carlos while trying to not seem scared were terrified. Dizzy had grown up with them and she could always tell when they were scared or nervous despite how much they were trying to hide it. "Evie what's going on? Is Ben going to make us go back to the Isle? Evie I'm scared. I don't want to go back there. Please Evie don't let us go back there," Dizzy begged Evie in worry and desperation as she was terrified.

      She couldn't go back to the Isle it was torture living there. Evie just gave Dizzy a small smile as she pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry Dizzy everything is going to be fine. I promise. Just stay here and watch Mal okay," Evie told the younger girl as she released her and put her arm around Carlos to show that they were in this together as the two of them and Hades followed Ben out the door to discuss the issue without the younger two getting involved.

     Once Ben and the others left Dizzy just sighed as she looked at the innocent giggling baby who had no clue what was going on. Dizzy sometimes wished that she could be like Mal. An innocent baby that had no clue what evils existed in the world. Sure Mal had experienced the evil things, but Mal was just too young and innocent to understand what was happening.

   Dizzy wasn't some innocent kid; she knew that Evie was just trying to make her feel better.    They could be getting sent back to the Isle prison and that thought terrified her. Dizzy just sighed as she looked at her little sister. She couldn't help but smile seeing her adorable smiling face while she was giggling and clapping her hands excitedly. Dizzy decided that the baby could be a distraction as just seeing the giggling baby was making her feel better and less worried.

     Dizzy just placed the baby down as her eyes caught something that sparked her interest. It was an adorable looking white baby onesie. She also found a plain white baby hat. Dizzy smiled as her creative fashion designer came out. She just grabbed the baby onesie and hat and began to play around with them until she had created the look she was going for.

       Mal just sat on the floor with her toys playing while Dizzy was designing. When Dizzy finished she squealed excitedly as she looked at her final product. The white onesie was now a white with black spots like dalmation spots onesie and the hat now had black ears that looked like dog ears and some black spots as well. Dizzy squealed as she picked up the baby deciding to play dress up with the adorable baby.

       Dizzy picked up her baby sister and changed her into the new costume that she had created. Dizzy squealed again when she had the puppy costume on the adorable tiny baby. "OMG! Mally you look so adorable! I love this costume! It's missing something though," Dizzy squealed out excitedly as she was no longer thinking about the possibility of getting sent back to the Isle as she was now distracted and focused on making her baby sister look as cute as possible in her dalmatian puppy costume.

       Dizzy just picked up some black paint as she put some on the baby's tiny nose making her look more like a dalmatian puppy. Dizzy squealed once more as she stood back to observe her finished work. "Aww! Now you look like a little puppy. I wish your mama and dada were here right now dada would love this, but he's busy right now, and I bet mama would take a million photos since she would think you are the cutest thing ever," Dizzy told the baby as she picked her up and bounced her.

        Dizzy just laughed as she became lost in her own little world with her baby sister who was giggling her little head off as Dizzy bounced her. Right now Dizzy was in her own happy world where nothing bad was happening and it was just her and her baby sister. There was no scary possibility of losing her new life and getting sent back to her torturous old one. It was just happiness and sister bonding time.

          They stayed like that for about another thirty minutes until there was the sound of the door opening as Evie and Carlos had finished their conversation with Ben. Dizzy just took a deep breath as she waited for the door to be completely open and for Evie and Carlos to come back into the room with the news about whether or not they would be forced back onto the Isle or not.

           As soon as Evie and Carlos entered the room again Dizzy ran to them without even letting them say anything. "Evie, Carlos what did Ben say? Are we getting sent back to the Isle?" Dizzy asked the older two with worry and fear in her voice as she needed to know if Ben believed them or not. Carlos and Evie both just looked at each other not saying anything as Carlos just nodded at Evie letting Evie know that he would be the one to talk to Dizzy.  Dizzy just took a deep breath as she looked at Carlos nervously awaiting on the news on whether she would be forced to leave her Auradon life behind.

Author's Note: Sorry for taking a long time, but if you've been reading my other stories you should already know, but incase you haven't I've been dealing with some personal health issues that keep coming and going, but they seem to be finally getting better, so I should be updating more frequently again. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I tried to make it interesting while also adding a bit of sister fluff between Dizzy and Mal since I thought that I should explore that bond a bit more. And let me know what you guys think is going to happen next. Also if you have any suggestions or requests that you would like to see in this story don't hesitate to make them because I like to incorporate people's suggestions/requests into my stories. Plus I'm planning on making this a really long story since I'm planning on continuing through until Mal is older, but I'm not sure yet since I still have a lot more baby moments I want to explore right now.

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