"Oh." I mumbled, slowly opening my eyes, yawning, and snuggling closer to him, "Thanks."

"..." Ace announced, breaking the silence after a few minutes, resting his chin on my head, and shutting his eyes, "I'm taking you out on a date tomorrow."

"Y-Y-You...don't have to..." I stuttered-quietly, a faint red-hue dusted my cheeks, and hiding my face against his chest, "I won't mind if we don't go..."

"I want to." Ace smiled, lifting my chin up with his fingers, kissing me softly, pulling away, tugging me closer, laying his head back, closing his eyes, running his fingers through my hair, and falling asleep, "We haven't been on a date yet, since we've started dating 2-weeks-ago. It's about time we go on one."

"Ok." I smiled, resting my head against his chest, closing my eyes, and falling asleep, My 1st date...


The Next Day

"LET'S GO ON THAT ONE!" Ace grinned, pointing towards a gigantic roller-coaster, stars flashing around his eyes, snagging my wrist, yanking me towards the roller-coaster, and speeding into the line with me flying behind him, "COME ON!"

"W-W-WAIT...I-I-I..." I sputtered, glancing at the roller-coaster, a panicked-expression appeared on my face, blue-marks ran across my face, and turning my face sideways, I-I-I don't do well on roller-coasters...

1-Hour Later

"If you can't handle roller-coasters, you should've said so." Ace commented, dragging me around for the last hour on different roller-coaster rides, noticing my green face, helping me towards a bench, sitting down beside me, rubbing my back, and furrowing his eyebrows together in concern, "You gonna be alright?"

"You...were...too...enthusiastic..." I wheezed, sitting down next to Ace, hunching over, placing my hand over my mouth, looking green, smiling-weakly up at him, and shakily giving him a thumbs-up, "I'll be fine...in a few minutes."

"BIG SISTER!" Kei shouted-gleefully, spotting us, running over to me, hugging my legs, darting his eyes over to Ace, and giving him deadpanned-eyes, "You're here?"

"Show some respect, you ungrateful little urchin." Ace scolded, smiling-sweetly down at Kei, his eyebrow twitching in irritation, and a dark-aura seeping out of him, "I saved you or did you forget?"

"That's because you're a sucker who couldn't leave a defenseless child all alone." Kei taunted, sticking his tongue out at Ace, dashing away from Ace as Ace started chasing him, and being tackled onto the ground, "Big Sister is way nicer than you."

"I'm a sucker, huh?" Ace repeated, speaking softly, the aura growing darker, chasing after Kei, tackling him to the ground, baring his teeth, a tick-mark appeared on his head, and giving Kei a noogie, "NEXT TIME I WON'T BOTHER SAVING YOUR UNTHANKFUL ASS!"

"THE SCARY JERK HIT ME, BIG SISTER! WAHHH!!!" Kei fake-wailed, getting out of Ace's grip, rushing over to me, and hiding behind my legs, "HE ALSO SAID A BAD WORD!"

"STOP PICKING ON POOR KEI!" I chided, getting off the bench, stomping over to Ace, baring my teeth, a tick-mark appeared on my hand, and cross-punching Ace on the head, "AND DON'T SWEAR IN FRONT OF KIDS!"

"POOR MY ASS!" Ace objected, rubbing his head, baring his teeth, a large tick-mark appeared on his head, and pointing an accusing finger at Kei who was rubbing his head against my non-existent chest, "THAT DAMN BRAT IS A PERVERT!"

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