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Nam Hyora ripped out the page from her sketchpad. She raised it up in the light of her room as she marveled at her own work, a portrait of—


She looked behind her shoulder, finding Hanna peeking at her from the door.

"Did you have fun with him today?" she asked with a small, tentative smile on her face.

Hyora managed to return the smile. "Yes. More happy than I felt in ages."

Hanna's face twitched ever so slightly, looking as if she wasn't convinced. But she nodded anyway, keeping her smile.

"That's great, Hyo," she said quietly. "You look tired. You should rest up, then let's talk tomorrow, okay?"

She nodded as a response before Hanna silently closed the door.

A sigh escaped from her lips as she turned back to her desk. Once more, she scanned her work, and a bitter smile formed on her face.

She gently set it aside and returned her art materials in the side drawer of her desk. With another sigh, she looked around her room, as if memorizing every detail of it so she wouldn't forget.

Her phone vibrated on the top of her desk. Hanna had sent her a message.

"She could have just told me whatever it is while she was here," she muttered as she opened the text message.

hanna banana:

I have a feeling that you haven't checked instagram yet 

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She opened Instagram anyway and the first post on her feed had her covering her mouth with her hand.

Baekhyun had posted a selfie of him with her in the background making the sandcastle. As she swiped to the right, she saw even more embarrassing stolen shots of her: clumsily eating hotteok at the market, riding the bicycle around Gyeongpo lake, and staring open-mouthed at an art installation at the beach.

She audibly cringed at each photo. 

"I look so fucking disgusting," she said irritably as she checked the likes.

A username caught her attention and she stopped scrolling.

Taeyeon liked the post.

"Fuck, this is awkward."

She quickly exited Instagram and opened her photo gallery instead.

Baekhyun wasn't the only one who had pictures of her, but this time, the subject was actually aware that he was being photographed. Like her very own model, he had asked her to take pictures of him when he tried on funky hats and shades at the market, when he was sipping on his coffee at the boardwalk, and when he was acting as though he was an art critic evaluating the art installation at the beach.

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