Chapter Thirty Eight

Start from the beginning

"Barty, I swear to god. I've never gotten along with you. I will be civil to you, since you are with Reg. I can't protect him. Please keep an eye on him, but if you hurt him, you won't even see it coming.", Sirius threatened. Barty gulped. "Okay."

"Remus, I think you're a good guy. I think you and Sirius will be happy together. He- we're not used to love. Don't push him away. He may not show it, but he's broken.", Regulus said nervously. "I am too.", Remus smiled at him softly. 

"He's cute, Siri, good job.", Regulus winked, laughing. Barty and Sirius looked at them, their mouths open. "Not too bad yourself, Black.", Remus said playfully, winking back at Regulus. 

"Wrong Black, beanstalk.", Sirius said, grabbing Remus' hand. 

"Getting jealous over here.", Barty said, a ghost of a smile appearing on his lips. 

"Didn't know you had that emotion, Grumpy Pants.", Regulus smiled.

"Shut it."

"Er, this has been right awkward. Reg, we're going back to pretending we hate each other, Mother and Father cannot and will not hurt you, too.", Sirius said, patting Regulus on the shoulder.

"I'll step out first.", Sirius said, leading Remus out. 

"That was- interesting.", Remus said, looking at Sirius' face. 

The smile didn't  leave Sirius' face, even as they joined up with James and Peter as they walked to the Quidditch pitch.

"I missed that little shit.", Sirius smiled. "I could tell.", James said knowingly. 

"Stop acting smart, Potter.", Sirius scoffed, hitting the back of his head. 

"No need to act, kiddo.", James smirked. 

James and Sirius were on the team, and Remus and Peter were going to watch.

"We can win this! Let's beat those Slytherins!", James said, to the team as they huddled up. 

Madame Hooch blew her whistle, and the brooms shot up in the air. 

James flew up, catching the Quaffle. "This one's for you Evans!", he yelled, shooting it through the goal. 

Lily clapped loudly, and yelled, "Watch out, Potter!".

James dodged the Slytherin beater who's aim was to knock him down. 

"Hi, Reg!", Sirius shouted, trying to distract him. 

"Siri, I know you're trying to distract me.", Regulus said firmly. 

"I think Barty's looking at your ass.", Sirius said cheekily. Regulus looked down, blushing, and Frank Longbottom zoomed after the snitch. 

"Sirius!", Regulus said angrily. "Love you, too!", Sirius said zooming to James and giving him a high five. 

"Can he please be more careful?", Remus asked, watching Sirius do tricks in the air. 

"Protective boyfriend mode.", Peter teased. 

"Shut up, Pete.", Remus said, smacking his shoulder. Regulus and Frank were at neck and neck, reaching for the snitch. 

Sirius took his bat and swung it, hitting the ball across. 

"THAT'S MY BO-  BEST FRIEND!!", Remus yelled, Lily giggling at the slip of tongue. 

Remus blushed.

Frank caught the snitch, raising it above his head. The people in the stands cheered, as Madame Hooch announced the winners. James jumped off his broom, and Lily ran at him at full speed. James picked Lily up, twirling her around. "Put me down, Potter!", Lily laughed, as she kissed him, people clapping around them. 

"Keep the PDA down!!", Marlene yelled, with her arm around Dorcas, smiling.

Sirius was staring at James and Lily with a bittersweet smile on his face. He looked at Remus, still in the stands. Remus looked at him, tilting his head as if to ask, Can I? 

"Pete, I'm going to do it.", he said.

Sirius nodded. He felt the blood rush to his head. He saw Remus, his Remus running to him in slow motion. He took in his slender frame, his big amber eyes, and his curly hair. 

Remus ran up to Sirius, staring hard. Remus held Sirius' chin with his hand. "You sure?", he breathed, as the people around them went quiet. Sirius nodded, leaning into the kiss. Remus pressed his lips to Sirius' savouring the moment. They broke apart, both pink cheeked.

"I knew it!", Dorcas yelled loudly, clapping. 

It wasn't long before the rest of the Gryffindors began clapping, even some Slytherins.

McGonagall was also standing, cheering for them.

The happy moment didn't last. 

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