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"I hate men." You announce on bursting through the front door of Steve's apartment. The lights in the front hall are off but you know he's in - he still hasn't worked out how to take himself off Snap Maps and for an old guy, he's fairly attached to his phone. This was the third disastrous date in as many weeks and you just couldn't take it anymore. Every minute of every day you try and find some random motherfucker who both wants to date you and is actually a good person. If you go to a restaurant with one more closeted racist you're going to quite simply give up.

"Yeah, me too, they're awful." Bucky says softly, coming out of the bathroom while you hang your coat up and step out of your shoes. You sigh and he holds his arms out for you to fall into. He's warm, the metal arm finally modified to regulate its temperature to match the rest of Bucky's body, and he holds you with such firm care you have to restrain yourself from crying.

"I think I should just be a nun." You mumble into his chest. He chuckles out of pity and strokes your hair.

"You can't fantasise about anybody fucking you if you're a nun, y/n, you would be a terrible nun. The worst nun, in fact."

You giggle and release yourself from Bucky's grip to flick your gaze over him. His hair sits in a messy bun, strands falling artistically here and there, and he's started to grow stubble. It suits him. He slips his hand into yours and pulls you into the living room, where Steve sits. There's a movie paused on the TV and Steve man spreads across a significant chunk of the two-person sofa. He looks up at you when you walk in and you're struck once again by how beautiful he is. He's tanned - training is even better outside, so he says, and he does it for hours at a time if he needs to clear his head - and his periwinkle eyes pierce the smoothness of his skin. His blond locks have grown out a little and they're messy, framing his face. He smiles pityingly at you and you straddle him when you hug him, simply so Bucky can still sit down (and also because you want to straddle him). He rubs your back with his enormous hands and you shift yourself off him, lying with your head in his lap and your legs in Bucky's.

"Why do you hate men all of a sudden?" Steve asks, pulling the pins out of your hair and carefully setting them on the side table next to him so he can play with your hair. You sigh, relaxing, and Bucky starts to rub your aching feet. The date sucked, but this more than makes up for it.

"They're all mean and stupid and hateful and mean."

"I think you said they were mean." Bucky says, smiling at you. You roll your eyes gently at him and Steve turns the movie back on, quietly.

"I could always set you up with someone, y/n." Steve offers, massaging your scalp. You sigh again and it comes out like a moan.

"I don't wanna date anyone I don't know. I wanna be one of those people who dates their friends. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm only gonna date my friends." You decide softly.

"Which friends did you have in mind?"

Bucky clears his throat nervously when you say you don't know. "You could always date us."

You're almost too soothed to realise what Bucky just said, but you sit up in confusion when you process it. He stares straight back at you with those perfect azure eyes. "'Us'?"

"Me and Steve. We could both date you. Lie back down, you're gonna strain your neck craning it at me like that."

Slightly dazed, you lie back down. You sigh softly. "Both of you?"


You open your eyes to look up at Steve. The angle you're at makes you want to do some really unspeakable things.

Well - the way this conversation is going, maybe they won't be all that unspeakable.

"At least I know you wouldn't get hurt by anyone." Steve offers, clearing his throat and shifting. Your head moves up and down in his lap and you close your eyes again.

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