What He Wants // Chris Evans

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      Chris nudged you with his foot again and you opened your mouth, tilting your head a little so he could get a better angle for the shot. You watched him pull his arm back and throw, and the piece of toffee popcorn went straight onto your tongue. You smiled while he whooped and swallowed it, furrowing your brow and clicking off your Word document. You pulled up your Twitter and posted something Chris had said earlier about how guacamole and hummus were basically cousins on your "incorrect" Steve Rogers account (because if you were honest, they really were the same person sometimes, and the people who followed thought you were amazingly creative and accurate. If only they knew).

   "Are you still writing the book now? Because you've been doing that for a while and you look stressed..."

   "I just gave up."

   "What're you doing now?" You hastily shut the window and went onto Instagram.

   "Insta shit." You shrugged and he leaned forward, gently pushing another piece of popcorn into your mouth. You absently sucked his sweet fingers and he kissed the side of your head while you fiddled with followers and likes and comments. He kept kissing the side of your head, slowly making you fall to the side while you giggled and he got more enthusiastic. You closed your laptop over, slipping it onto the sofa beside you, and carefully straddled his thighs, his thumb making circles on your waist while he gazed up at you and kissed your neck. You smiled, cradling his face in your cold fingers.

   "You want something." You murmured. He hummed appreciatively at the vibrations on your throat, making you giggle and him hum louder.

   "You're kissing me, you want something. What do you want?"

   "To kiss you." He mumbled, sucking at where your collarbone met your throat. You sighed contentedly, rolling your head back.

   "You want - holy shit - you want something else, Steve."

   "Fuck." He mumbled when you called him Steve - it was an accident, but it turned him on. 

   "Soldier, you're biting. That's new." You stated, smiling when he growled. Then it clicked and you rolled off his lap.

   "Disney movies."

   "What?" You clicked and picked up the remote.

   "You wanna watch a Disney movie." He blinked at you in shock.

   "How did you KNOW that?" He asked in awe, kissing your neck again.

   "Sex makes you feel dirty, you watch Disney movies when I fall asleep afterwards." And you shrugged, though you could feel his gaze still boring into you. You feel like Sherlock.

   "My question is still unanswered."

   "Sigh. Dr Watson, you're disappointing me. You just bit me, and that's probably verging on kinky, and you're the most vanilla guy I've ever been with ever, so obviously you feel a little dirty doing it, and anytime you do something that isn't straight up sex. Like you pulled my hair that one time?"

   "It was an accident, I-"

   "I liked it, shut up, I'm in the zone. So you pulled my hair, which was kinda violent, which made you feel like you were being a real adult, or at least you were doing something DIRTY, sort of, right? And then I woke up after the hair thing in the middle of the night and you were wearing Captain America pyjamas and watching Moana. So I woke up the time after, made myself, and you were doing it again. And that's my conclusion. Easy really." You shrugged and put Maleficent on. Chris allowed you to assume your usual movie-watching position - a tangle of limbs and hair and the popcorn bowl.

   "You've been watching way too much Sherlock, baby."

   "Was I right?"

   He didn't answer, but that answered your question perfectly.

   Anytime you guys had sex after that, you stayed up to watch the movie with him. Always.


this was a short one because i've been out all day

sorry sorry loves

how is it?


well it took me about half an hour so it really ain't shit:)

i was told by a family member that i'm genuinely inspiring and i'm shook

like is writing a novel at this age seriously that big of a deal?

i don't know

much love for my loves

viv x

angel cake ♡ tom holland/sebastian stan/chris evans oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now