Study // Peter Parker

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so so so





i have no idea why i did that


so this book has over a hundred reads??



it feels insane to me because- well, because i never thought anything would actually happen with this and it's not even that fuckin impressive lmao

like this is just bs oneshots, ya know?

but thanks to those who do read, and please please please don't be afraid to request in the comments or straight to ya girl's inbox

whelp this was kinda long anyways try and enjoy this lil one about my bbyboi pete in which i have given you the name Veronica (because i think it's pretty cute)

bye darlings

viv x


   "So if x is equal to 8y - 9 over 15 then-" Veronica continued, leaning over Peter's shoulder and scribbling what she was saying as she said it, the even black ink of her own pen starkly different to Peter's own blotchy blue biro. Her hand moved fluidly across his page, slanted cursive neatly working around Peter's scribbles. He could feel her warm breath on his neck and he blushed. His watch buzzed - a message from Tony. He stood abruptly and Veronica stepped back quickly.

   "What's wrong?" She asked quietly, smiling nervously. Peter looked down at his watch and sighed.

   "I've- I've just gotta go. The internship, you know."

   "Oh. Okay, I'll just..." Veronica sat back down at her seat, crossing her legs over at the ankle and ducking her head, shiny hair falling over her face while she quickly wrote in the next question. Peter reached forward to close over his textbooks and notebooks, then stopped. Veronica glanced back up at the boy on the other side of the table through her thick lashes.

   "I'll come back." Peter blurted out quickly, bending down to pick up his backpack. Veronica smiled and Peter's heart skipped a beat.

   "You will?"

   "Yeah. Just... stay here, I'll text you when I'm on my way or... if I-"

   "Don't say you won't come because that's jinxing it." Veronica interrupted faux-sternly, wagging her finger at the boy. He grinned.

   "Then I'll text you when I'm on my way."

   "D'you think you'll take long? It's just, I haven't eaten since that ice-cream on the way here and that was hours ago."

   "I'll pick up pizza on my way back."

   "Can you get it-"

   "Four cheese and mushroom, I know, you always have four cheese and mushroom." 

   Veronica grinned and stood up to squeeze Peter into a quick goodbye hug and he left, smiling dopily at the scent of her that stayed with him as he went web-slinging to the Stark tower.


   Peter was exhausted when finally, almost eight hours later, he returned to the community centre-library he'd left Veronica in to do Math alone, pizza in tow and bruises on his arms concealed with a flannel shirt Tony had given to him so he could do so. He didn't know if Veronica would still be there. He assumed she would be, but for some reason he still found himself shocked when he saw her at the far end of the room. Her black jumper sleeves were rolled up to her elbows and she was slumped across the desk, her head resting in her arms. Her hair fell over the other side of her head and onto the books she rested on - she was asleep. 

   "V- Veronica?" Peter gently shook the girl's arm to rouse her awake. She mumbled something, then sat up reluctantly, rubbing her eyes with the heel of her hand.

   "Hey, Peter. How's Mr Stark?" She smiled sleepily, stretching and automatically reaching forward to take a slice of pizza. 

   "He's- yeah, he's good. I'm sorry that I left-"

   "Dude, shut up. I'm actually more productive without you." Veronica teased, eating her slice ravenously. Peter grinned at her and she winked.

   "You know, Peter, for all you suck at staying here, you're a pretty good study buddy. And I need your help with Mr Daley's homework, so sit your ass down and show me how to do it."

   "You mean show you my work so you can copy it?"

   "That I do." Veronica grinned. For a few minutes, all Peter did was watch Veronica copy down his answers, purposefully making a couple wrong so as not to raise suspicion. Then Peter nudged her arm.

   "So... you really didn't mind me ditching?" Veronica looked at him, then capped her pen and leaned back in her uncomfortable plastic chair.

   "No. Bad stuff happens. Bad stuff always happens. But my best friend leaving me for a little while so he can have a secure future, the kind of future he deserves? No, I don't mind, because truly bad stuff happens, Peter. Studying alone isn't one of those things."

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