Almost There // Tom Holland

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   You could hear him singing in the shower - as usual. Tom was adorable, the way he sang and then pretended like he hadn't, then would do the exact same thing the next day. Not like you minded - he wasn't a bad singer, the opposite, and it was up there with the highlight of your day. 

   "Mama, I don't have TIME for dancing..." He announced dramatically in an exaggerated American woman's voice, the water slowing to a stop. You grinned and looked up from your laptop, where you'd been staring for the last few hours, barely breaking to eat and drink. Your novel, the one you'd been writing for what seemed like forever, was almost finished, and to say you were happy was a serious understatement. A last paragraph to close it off, and you were ready to send it to your editor. 

   "That's just gonna have to wait a while..." You finished, raising your voice a little so he could hear you. He groaned from inside the bathroom, but you could hear the smile.

   "Ain't got time for messin' around- SING IT WITH ME, TOM!" You hollered, beaming and closing your laptop over while he stepped out of the bathroom, pulling on a T-shirt and ducking his head so you couldn't see his smile, because he knew it'd just encourage you. You were encouraged enough anyway, discarding the laptop on the bed and standing up, flinging your arms out.

   "And it's not my style." You crooned, barely caring that you were tone-deaf. Tom rolled his eyes at you and sat on the bed you'd just left, pummelling his wet hair with a towel. You rolled your eyes back and pulled him up by the hands, automatically assuming a slow-dance pose, your hand on his shoulder and his on your waist. He rolled his eyes again, then started energetically guiding you across the carpet, stepping on discarded clothes and tripping over Tessa. 

   "I'm a-a-almost there!" You sang together while her twirled you around, finally weakening enough to sing. You broke off from him and picked up your hairbrush.

   "I remember Daddy told me-"

   "Fairy tales can come true." He finished, picking up your hairspray and continuing into the song while you laughed and clapped, occasionally letting you take a line or two before cutting back in - he was always in charge when you two did duets.

   "A-a-a-a-lmo-o-o-o-st THE-E-E-E-E-R-R-R-E-E-E!" You finished loudly.

   "Can you two be quiet?" Harry shouted through, thumping the wall once.

   "Sorry!" You yelled before Tom tackled you back onto the bed, kissing your lips and your cheeks and your nose. 

   "Because you're almost there." He smiled softly, then kissed you again. 




way to start this shit show, viv

okay sorry bye bye bye 

viv, signing out x

angel cake ♡ tom holland/sebastian stan/chris evans oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now