Inappropriate * // Steve Rogers

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Elie was doing it again.

The thing.

All the way through that dumb ass meeting.

She did the thing.


Neither of them were really made for each other. Steve was righteous and pure and did the best thing for everyone and fought for the team. Elie, on the other hand, did what she felt like and she was just so unadulteredly sexy without trying and selfish and only ever helped people if that's what she felt like doing that day, or if it was one of those jack shit days where the world could potentially end "or some bullshit like that". However, the first time they met, something just clicked, and they'd been secretly dating for almost six months by that point. She already knew just what to do to get him going - why she did the thing.

Every time Steve looked across the sleek table, Elie would just KNOW and glance at him, making eye contact and slowly moving - stretching, switching her posture, even just tilting her head and parting her lips slightly. She was wearing a long powder pink blazer, white crop top, bright against her dark skin, and black roll-up shorts. That always turned Steve on so easily (no-one ever dressed like that in the 40s), and every time she moved the outfit would just accentuate everything Steve only got his hands on when he knew no-one was around. She knew exactly what she was doing, both of them did, but the team was yet to realise (apart from Sam who shook his head at Steve every time he awkwardly shifted in his seat. He didn't know the pair were dating, he just assumed Steve had a crush on Elie).

Steve tried to play her at her own game and quirked his brow a little, but the brunette did the same back, then casually undid her earring. The back fell onto the floor.

"Shit. The back of my fuckin' earring just came off, gimme a sec." She cussed again quickly to set Steve off, then pushed her chair back with a scrape and ducked under the table.

"Can I keep going?" Tony asked sarcastically when Elie didn't immediately reappear.

"Yeah, I can hear from down here, don't worry." She hollered up, ensuing a quick giggle to ripple around the group before Tony kept talking. Steve could hear Elie scuffling around on the floor, then felt something light on his inner thigh. He jumped and heard a soft little hush noise from where someone's hand now lay.

"Sh, Stevie. Keep quiet." Elie soothed under her breath, just loud enough for him to hear. He glanced beneath the table in time to see his girlfriend sling her blazer back to where she was sat before and watched her twirl her hair up into an easy bun.

"What're you doing?" Steve whispered, averting his eyes so no-one would get suspicious.

"I'm... Well, I'm teasing you." She answered smoothly, almost sweetly, then started palming Steve through his trousers. He jumped and everyone turned to look at him and his slowly colouring face.

"You good there, Spangles?" Tony asked with a shit-eating grin.

"I'm..." Elie slowed her pace, touches feather soft in comparison to the harsh almost pushes from before, "I'm fine, just keep going."

"You sure?"

"YES." Steve said through gritted teeth. Elie giggled a little from beneath the table.

"He's probably just having a senior's moment. Keep going, Tony." Bucky encouraged, leaning forward. Of everyone in the compound, him and Nat were the only people who knew what happened with Elie and Steve - in exchange for silence about their own relationship. Both couples were yet to even hint about each other.

"I will." Tony said, raising his eyebrow momentarily at Steve then turning back to a screen. Steve let out a laboured breath, hitching in places while Elie took out his length, quickly and carefully licking up and down with the tip of her tongue. Steve couldn't do anything but sit there and try not to make it obvious while Elie silently went down on him, careful and slow and perfectly make Steve want to do nothing more but fuck her. He had to sit through the entire meeting enduring his girlfriend's skilled tongue on him. When he reached his climax, he slipped his hands under the desk and gripped Elie's hands so tight she thought he'd break her fingers, but she swallowed and expertly let him ride out his high.

"Okay, out we all go." Sam said, rising from his chair and leaving in the throng of Avengers abandoning Steve in the meeting room. He continued to check his notes, and eventually, him and Elie were alone. She giggled around his length when he moaned way too loud.

"That was so inappropriate." Steve grunted, leaning back in his seat. Elie came off Steve with a pop.


They paused, just looking at each other.

"So we're gonna do it again-"

"Hell yeah."

it's p late

and i'm still up

writing questionable smutty things




i'm thinking a lot


six months ago

everything was wild

like, so fuckin different too

i'd only just started the novel i've gone on to complete and begin to edit

my friendships were essentially non existent

my mental state was in tatters

and i had close to no motivation to keep going

in general


to keep going to school

to keep talking

to keep living

and i thought that more self harm would fix it

because i was a fucking idiot


and yet i'm so happy now

yeah, i have my slumps

my mental relapses

all that

and i know i'll have a genuinely bad period sometime soon

definitely if i get the confidence to send out the novel and the inevitability of its rejection

but i just have to keep going

and so do you

whoever's reading this: KEEP GOING

because there's probably someone who's considering not keeping on

and trust me:

it gets better

sorry it's too late, i should be asleep

i'm just thinking onto the keyboard right now

i'm p sure no-one actually reads these little author note bits at the end of the fics anyway

so it doesn't really matter

sleep well those of you in the same timezone, have a nice rest of your day those who aren't (and vice versa for the coming few hours...)

viv x

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