He Looks The Same // (MCU) Sebastian Stan

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   Like a fair few good things, your relationship with Bucky started with some utter stupidity on your part, and a bizarre likeness to your current boyfriend Sebastian on his. Your excitement to see who you THOUGHT was your boyfriend ensured that you had to stay in contact with him, even just to smooth out everything that had happened.

   Your boyfriend Sebastian Stan had a habit of showing up in the most random of places you were at. When he came back from shooting or press tours (and he had absolutely no way to take you with him - either the accommodation would be shitty, you wouldn't be able to see him enough anyway, or something else entirely), he would just seem to telepathically know where you'd be, and so he appeared to surprise you. So of course, when you glanced his face while you were reading in the park, you dropped your book to fling yourself at him, gasping. He was earlier than he said he'd be back by a couple days but that was not unusual, his hair was longer, his stance was different, but it was SEBASTIAN - perhaps the role had just rubbed off on him (it wouldn't be the first time). However, when he didn't instantly wrap his arms around you too, you pulled back and hopped down, brow furrowed.

   "Seb? Are you okay?" You questioned tenderly, then reached out to touch his face. He flinched back, confused.

   "Who the Hell is Seb?" He returned, his voice more of a growl than anything else. You jumped a little.


   "I'm not... Seb."

   You didn't reply.

   "I think you think I'm someone else, okay?"

   "What are you trying to do, Seb? Are you trying to freak me out or-" And just at that moment you saw his left arm, and you covered your mouth. Nothing like throwing yourself at a stranger for absolutely NO REASON other than you thought he was your boyfriend to make you feel like a fucking clown!

   "Oh my God, I am so sorry, I thought you were my boyfriend." You said hurriedly, stepping back with your hands up then quickly putting them back down. The guy looked sheepish and confused, but a lot less annoyed.

   "It's fine, I, uh, hear that kinda thing a lot." He stated, nodding his head and quickly stuffing his hands into his jacket. You paused, then you both laughed a little, then fell into silence again.

   "I was just about to get some coffee, if you wanted to you could come with? My treat, for flinging myself at you." You offered shyly. The guy smiled a little and nodded, and the red flush from the cold got deeper instantly.

   "Sure thing. I'm Bucky, by the way."

   "I'm y/n, nice to meet you, Bucky."


   "It was the most insane thing, Seb," you said, stepping out of your clothes and walking to the dresser. Sebastian sat on the bed and started to pull his shoes off, still attentively listening, "He looks exactly like you, but like, moody and emo and dramatic, you know?"

   "I'm moody and emo and dramatic!"

   You snorted, grinning.

   "Is he hotter than me?" Sebastian questioned teasingly. You giggled while you pulled one of his T-shirts over your head and swept your hair out the collar.

   "He looks the same as you." 

   "But is he?"

   "Sebby, that is like choosing a better looking Olsen twin."

   "I could so do that." He protested.

   "No, you could not. Nobody could."

   "But like really, am I-"

   "Sebby, really-"

   Sebastian caught your wrist and pulled you into the V of his legs when you tried to move past him to get into bed, resting his hands on your hips and looking at you pleadingly. You rolled your eyes fondly.

   "He is nowhere near as hot as you - your looks are far superior, he could never." 

   Sebastian beamed and buried his head in your stomach.

   "See, you always do this," you laughed, pulling away and crawling over the bed to your side, "You make me compliment you but then you act so weird when I do! Like jeez, Seb, we get it, you're fucking gorgeous, give it a rest!" You teased, throwing the little decorative cushions on the floor immediately. Sebastian blushed and got beneath the covers.

   "I just like hearing you say it, doll."

   "You know what," you replied, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your forehead on his chest, "I like hearing you say that."


   "Yeah, gets me all types of ways." You giggled and he did the same back.

   "Oh yeah, I meant to ask," You murmured, "Do you wanna meet him tomorrow? Just like, low-key, and over here so he doesn't get stressed."

   "Sure thing, doll."

   "It's even nicer the second time."


   Bucky was promptly on time, and arrived with wine that you later Googled just in case he had spent too much and then choked on your cold pizza when you saw the price (who in the fucking WORLD goes about spending thousands on wine for a woman who he met three days ago and her boyfriend who looks exactly the same as him? WHO?). You welcomed him warmly, and then Sebastian came through and you wondered if you were high. Stood on opposing sides of the hallway, it was a like a mirror split by if-Sebastian-had-given-in-to-the-temptation-to-have-an-emo-phase-like-he-wanted-to-when-he-was-thirteen-what-would-he-be-like-now, and to say you were disconcerted was a severe understatement. For a moment, nothing moved, and silence befell everything.

   And then Sebastian broke a beam bright enough to blind, stepping forward with his arms out to hug the other man. The hug was bemusedly, awkwardly returned, then Sebastian stepped back and showed him in.

   The evening was spent with you two learning more about Bucky, Bucky learning about you two, and then (after a third bottle of beer each) a giggly, sprawling game of Twister. Eventually you all collapsed, then you looked up at Sebastian.

   "Sebastian, I am going to date Bucky now, but I'm still dating you, so it's fine." You declared without asking either men if that was fine. Sebastian just giggled, and Bucky did the same.

   So you made two boyfriends who look exactly the same work.



because i'm tired, and it be like that sometimes

hey everyone!!

viv is b a c k

just like the backstreet boys!!

and ooeee i am a total train wreck which is like lowkey fine

so basically school is stressing me out and i have lately been feeling this weird kind of ache in my chest that is essentially saying !! get into a fucking relationship you fucking clown !!

but that's chill:)

i'm like gonna go now because i'm hella tired but all love, my dudes, and i'm so happy to be back

(and yeah this was shit but it's my fucking account and i'll post whatever i want on it you can't stop the SwaG)

viv x

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