Theory // Sebastian Stan

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Silence is so much louder without the distraction of music or city bustle. You can hear everything when it's silent - bushes rustling lightly, wind whistling nonchalantly, a car rolling slow over the road the other side of your house, the hand in your hair slowly weaving through it then starting back at the top again, content sighs from your boyfriend every few seconds, followed shortly by your own. The grass you had been sat on for most of the day was dry and scratchy on the skin it touched, a severe contrast to Sebastian's soft skin. The lightly star-pocked twilight sky from where you lay half-on his chest and a single lonely cloud drifted across the velvet night. The day was humid and sticky, so you just lazed around the garden with Sebastian. And even though you hadn't done anything all day, you felt your eyes flutter closed.

"No, stay awake, doll," Sebastian murmured, somehow knowing what you were doing without seeing, "I got a surprise for you."

"What is it?" You asked softly back, reaching up and back to play with his hair.

"A surprise."

"I'm tired though."

Sebastian chuckled. "Yeah me too. But just wait a little while longer, till it's dark."

"It is dark, Seb."

"Darker than it is now. Not too long, then we can just go to bed."

You sighed, though you weren't that bothered anyway, and sat up to stretch and look back at him. How is anyone allowed to be that pretty?

"I have this theory." You said, taking his hand in yours. He sat up too, resting his head on your shoulder.

"What's it about this time?"

"I think that the Grandmaster - you know, from Ragnarok - is actually a villain, and that he's even more demented than Quentin Beck."

Sebastian laughed. "Tell me why."

"So basically, the place Thor and Loki ended up is called Sakaar - for like lost and founds - and the Grandmaster founded that, right? So I didn't realise, but in Spanish, there's this word sacar, and it means to take. And is that a coincidence? No! The Grandmaster is taking people! Just for them to compete against Hulk, until he stopped! He's an indirect MURDERER!" You finished. Sebastian started to laugh, then lifted his head and opened his mouth to talk before he was cut off by a single firework exploding in the sky. You both jumped, then you just stared at the sky for a while.

   "Was that-"

   "Yeah. I bought one because the lady selling them looked sad."

   "That's so sweet of you, Seb, aww! Can we go to bed now?"


quick one bc i'm tired lol

i need to iron my uniform and do my spanish homework but really i can't be bothered

i finally got doc martens yesterday from damaged society!!

they were meant to be for my birthday but my birthday was well over a month ago lmao

and the guy who sold me them was So Nice

anyway off i go my mum is yelling me and i've probably done something bad lol

all love

viv x

angel cake ♡ tom holland/sebastian stan/chris evans oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now