Forget Your Dignity // Steve Rogers

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hey loves

this is a part two to the last steve fic!!

and l o o k at that fuckin gif

like oof mami

i dont remember finding it

neither do i remember saving it

but i Came Across it while i was tryna find something

and it's influenced me

hope you enjoy 

viv x


   Bea knew she should just leave the incident in her office alone. If she ignored it, there was probably no way Steve would continue to chase her and really make her have a secret with him (bigger than the one she now already had). She had told no-one, after resurfacing from beneath her desk, and just gone about her week like normal, though of course she went out of her way to avoid Steve. But then Wednesday came - the most boring day of the week, without doubt, and so therefore the least likely to result in any kind of incident/new secret - and she was sick of it. I mean, how long could she wait? They were going on a mission the next day, just the two of them, and how the shit was she supposed to ignore him at a time like that? 

   She calmly walked down the hall, purpose in her steps and her stare. The sooner the whole situation was smoothed out, the sooner she could do whatever she wanted to do like usual. She stopped abruptly outside his door, then felt every ounce of misplaced confidence ooze from her body and leave her drained of anything but nerves and mild fear. She exhaled for as long as her body would allow, staring at her trembling hands, then knocked hard on the door.

   "FRIDAY, who is that?" Steve asked from inside. Before the A.I. could respond, Bea held her finger on the pad beside the doorknob to override the speaker inside.

   "It's Bea," she paused for a moment, then (just to tease) she added, "Your girlfriend." She smirked through the anxiety at the thought of actually daring say something so undoubtedly stupid. She tried to smother it when Steve opened the door, but it only widened when she saw his attire - or, more accurately, the lack of. Low-worn grey sweatpants, way-too-tight white tank top, and water running in slim rivulets down his skin. Now that was a late night daydream just begging to happen.

   "You know," he started, stepping back to let Bea in, "You didn't take as long as I thought you would." Bea quirked her eyebrow at him, striding in with false confidence, tennis skirt flouncing with the long steps and platform sneakers clunking on the floor. She was a lot better at this fake shit that she thought.

   "What's that supposed to mean?"

   Steve shrugged, taking care to close the door again. "Girls these days take longer than you to give in."

   "To your abundant manly charm?" Bea replied drily. 

   "To... to forget their dignity."

   "Implying what, Steve? Because remember I can always beat your ass, no problem." Bea rested her hands on her hips and tapped her fingertips against the skirt. Her arms immediately got tired of the position and she dropped them again.

   "I didn't mean it like that, Bea. I mean, Hell, I just- Sam says that's what it is, and I don't really have any... expertise, in the women department. Before the serum, I really didn't talk to women, ever. They didn't wanna talk to a guy who could die from the common cold, it was just pathetic. But suddenly I do super-steroids and I'm every woman's dream man. I'm going off other people's perceptions of my situation, I'm not trying to offend you." He said cautiously, stepping closer to the woman. She could smell the tang of whatever citrus body wash he'd used and his own natural, irritating kindness. Lovely motherfucker.

   "I don't really- I mean, I was just kinda trying to mess with you and stop you being cocky-" Steve's lips crashed unceremoniously onto Bea's, swallowing the end of her sentence and a quiet gasp. The bed wasn't as far away as they thought it was and Bea fell backwards, sinking in soft sheets and drowning in Steve's body hovering above her own, before hurriedly reaching up to touch his broad shoulders (she was finally get her shot, and she was going to enjoy the shit out of it). Whispered words barely distinguishable from the one prior were murmured to each other and hands dipped beneath articles of clothing, sliding it off skin and slipping it onto the floor. His hands were large, looked rough, but on her skin they were feather soft and caressed every inch of now-showing skin, lips following soon after. 

   Bea knew what they were doing, and were undoubtedly about to do, was bad - but how could it be bad when it felt so good?


   The bedroom was bathed in heady mid-morning glow by the time Bea, still sweaty and buzzing, finally awoke. The place she was in was not her own, and in the second it took for her to remember what happened, she got out of the bed too fast for her sleep-addled head to take. She instantly fell back down, bouncing on the mattress and staring at the ceiling. The bed, STEVE'S bed (his BED, she's in his bed, how has this happened, it was a fucking WEDNESDAY-) was empty for all but rumpled sheets and two lonely pillows, the rest strewn across the floor to accompany dirty clothes. The owner was nowhere in Bea's eyeline. 

   Bea sat up again, shifting slowly so as not to make herself fall over again, and exhaled long and hard.

   "That doesn't sound too promising." Steve said from the doorway and Bea hurriedly grabbed the sheet to cover her bare body, more a reflexive movement than a necessary one. Steve smirked at her.

   "Give me a heart attack first thing in the morning, why don't ya?" She breathed, tucking her hair behind her ears and the sheet beneath her armpits so her hands could lay loose in her lap. Steve stepped forward, closing the door with his foot, and rested a breakfast tray on the bed. Neither of them looked at it.

   "How're you- how do you feel?" Steve asked tenderly and Bea thought of retorting sarcastically again, but chose not to. There's only so much dryness people can take, and she'd become a desert in the past day.

   "I feel good. Better than usual."

   Steve smiled, cheeks flushing a little. "Glad to hear it." Bea stared at him for another long second, drawing spirals on the sheet, then spoke again, though her heart told her not to through fear of receiving an answer she'd dislike.



   "Is that it? Are we like... a thing now?"

   "Do... is that what you want?"

   "I do if you do." Bea replied softly, too scared to tell him that she wanted it more than anything because that was just too needy, even for her.

   "Well I do if you do." Steve replied teasingly and Bea looked up at him, then giggled when he did, and stopped when he kissed her with impossible tenderness.

   "What was your other secret?"

   "I, uh..." 

   "Were you a virgin?"

  Bea blushed and nodded.

   That was not secret, but he didn't need to know she'd eaten her twin in the womb.

   That was way too unromantic.


and i oop

so tired

and feelin a lil sick, gotta say

love y'all, sleep well

viv x



i'd just like to say: i was so fuckin tired

when this was written

i don't really know what i've done

it's confusing

why the fuck


viv x

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