No Spoilers // Sebastian Stan

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a little request from @HollanderToTheHeart

thanks for this idea - so cute!!

also minor endgame spoiler 

haven't watched that, don't read this


   When you heard you had landed a role for a Marvel movie, you were ecstatic. When you realised the movie would be Endgame, even more so. You had always assisted with the scripts and directing of the actual movies, thanks to being Stan Lee's "niece" (you were actually his friend's granddaughter, but to him you were his little niece Alessia, always having "little" on the start of that term even when you were old enough to drink). That was how you met Sebastian - on the set of The First Avenger, God knows how many years ago, it all just felt like yesterday to you, Stan heard how much you wanted to see the soldiers' uniforms (you couldn't help mentioning it - they were gorgeous) and so took you to where they all were. You looked around at them expectantly and then looked up at Stan

   "Uncle Stan?" You, of course, called him Uncle Stan. He rubbed your shoulder, where his hand fondly lay.

   "What's wrong, don't you like them?"

   "No, they're cool, really cool, but they look really boring. Because no-ones wearing them, I mean. Is anyone wearing one?"

   "I think our Bucky might be, he's supposed to be on set today. Come on, little Alessia, let's go find him." And so you went on another adventure through endless corridors to eventually arrive at the dressing room of someone called Sebastian Stan, who you knew because you'd helped with casting (you were in the mood at the time, and everyone involved with the movies loved you as it was - what you wanted, you got. You had very often contemplated just asking for a role, knowing full well you'd get one, but you went through the audition process fair and square, with some prompting from Stan to go for it) and because you'd recently seen him in the movie Black Swan (and admired his cheekbones and jawline, because they had more structure than your life plan). Naturally, after that, you'd social media stalked him for a while, and decided he was endlessly attractive, and that you'd never meet him for that reason. Stan knocked, and you heard a holler to enter, so you followed your uncle in. Sebastian was sat, in full uniform with his hat at an angle, on a sofa, writing something in a notebook. He stood when he saw Stan, simply out of respect, then widened his eyes when he saw you. You smiled, then raked your eyes over the uniform again. There was just something about it...

   "Hey, Sebastian. How are you?" Stan asked, firmly shaking the other man's hand with a smile. Sebastian smiled back and your heart jumped.

   "I'm good, good, how are you?"

   "Just as well. This is my little niece Alessia. She was curious about the costumes so I thought I'd show her some. Do you mind if she just stays here for a while to take yours in?" Sebastian blushed a little and you glanced at Stan.

   "Of course she can, I don't mind."

   "I'll come and get you both when you're needed, Sebastian, or when we need to leave, little Alessia. Have fun, you crazy cats." He winked at you slightly upon leaving, making you giggle before turning to Sebastian. He was staring at you, eyes still wide, and nervously licking his lips.

   "Hey, I'm Sebastian." He smiled crookedly after a second, then held his hand out.

   "I'm Alessia, nice to meet you." You smiled back, carefully shaking his hand. Your skin popped up with goose bumps the second his hand was in yours, but you ignored it, automatically sitting on the sofa and smiling up at him.

   "Can you turn around for me?"

   Sebastian blinked. "Huh?"

   "I wanna see the uniform better, do you mind?"

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