Nightmares // Bucky Barnes

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   Anguished, frustrated cries echoed through the compound, sounding not unlike the final screams of a dying animal. They were what started you awake, and your first thought was to run, and to kill whoever was making the noise that broke your sleep. But after a few seconds, you listened to the groans and shouts and picked up on the fear. It got you out of bed and in the hall in a heartbeat. You'd never been the most open of people, but being around the Avengers, being around people just like you, you were coming out of your shell, and you were growing in confidence. And the best part? They liked you. Every single person in that building liked you, at least a little, and it left you wondering why you'd wasted so many years hiding from gazes and glaring at those who dared to talk to you. 

   You crept through the corridor, bare feet padding on the spotless floor, and tried to discern whose room it came from. Eventually, you found yourself at Bucky's door. Bucky was one of the first people to persist with trying to coax you out of your bad, reclusive habits. He saw himself in you, not that you were aware, and it spurred him to keep trying when you shut him out over and over and over again. Maybe that was why you had a crush on him.

   "Buck?" You said softly, tapping lightly on the door. The screams persisted and you momentarily wondered if someone was in there with him, doing something to him. That was what made you open the door. Moonlight spilled from the open window over Bucky's bed where he lay, twitching and writhing and groaning. Your breath caught in your throat and you stepped forward, carefully shutting the door on your way in. You hesitated, then lay your hand on his arm, shaking gently.

   "Buck, wake up." You whispered, then his eyes snapped open and he flipped you over the bed, grabbing you by the hair and trying to keep you down. You automatically kicked back, getting yourself out of his grasp with ease and standing in front of him, hands up so he could see you weren't a threat. His eyes, filled with thick, dark terror, grew warmer, and less terrified. You stepped forward and he lay back dejectedly while you sat slowly beside him.

   "You were screaming. I had to wake you." You whispered quietly, then started to gently stroke his hair away from his sweaty forehead. He started a little at your touch, then relaxed again, looking at the ceiling like it held the answers he seemed to need.

   "Did I hurt anyone?" He asked, voice gruff and demanding. Your stomach flipped.

   "No. You just woke me up." You tried for a lighter tone and his heaving chest slowed down.

   "What were you dreaming about?" You asked tentatively, still running your fingers through his hair. He sighed and sunk further into his mattress.


   "You were screaming. It was not nothing."

   "HYDRA. I was dreaming about... the people. When I was the Winter Soldier, the people. I hurt them. I HURT them, so many of them. I could see them."

   "Okay." You soothed quickly, staying by his side for a second longer before standing. Bucky quickly grabbed your wrist to ensure you didn't leave.

   "Don't go. Stay here. I need you in case they come back." He whispered urgently, staring at you with pleading wide eyes. You hesitated, then sat beside him on the bed, crossing your legs and leaning back, going to stroke his hair again.

   "You can lie down, you know." He murmured after a while, and you blushed.

   "No, no, it's fine. I'm just gonna-"

   "I need you. In case they come back, I mean. If I wake up and you're not here I'll panic." He said quietly. Your heart hammered in your chest and you shuffled down so your head was on one of his pillows. Bucky absently slid closer, arms around your waist and head on your chest. You were sure he could hear your overexcited breaths, but he did nothing, just lay there with you until the sun came up, your hand in his hair all the while and breaths syncing perfectly.





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