We Stole Him, Sorry // Tom Holland

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   You drummed a couple of pens on the desk like drumsticks, nodding your head and murmuring the lyrics to P.Y.T. by Michael Jackson through sheer boredom and nerves. You felt like you should've been having fun in the Ellen Show studio, but your assistant Aliyah had gone to get you a chocolate shake (you just wanted one at the time, and you were bored), so you were alone in the room you waited in. The door burst open and three men tumbled in, then stopped hurriedly when they saw you.

   "Hey." You smiled bemusedly, quirking your eyebrow at them. They blushed a little, and you tilted your head.

   "Sorry, we thought..." One of them, the tallest, said, pointing at the door.

   "What? I'm sadly not a mind reader." You teased and who you assumed was the youngest crossed his arms across his chest and pointed at you.

   "Aren't you Marisa Lees?" He asked, voice breaking a little. You nodded, tapping on the desk quickly with the pens.

   "Oh, wait, shit, she is." The only one who hadn't spoke finally said, covering his mouth with both hands. You smiled.

   "Weren't you, um, Psylocke, that time? In the, uh, the Psylocke movie?" You smiled and took your feet off the desk.

   "I was. You're... Spider-Man." You concluded and grinned a little. His eyes lit up.

   "Yeah, yeah, that's me, how'd you- how do you know me?"

   "From... Spider-Man." You laughed and the taller boy laughed with you. You shared a glance a winked the slightest bit.

   "And you're Harrison, and you're Harry, right?" You asked and both boys nodded.

   "So, are you just gonna hover in the doorway, or...?"


   "I am bored." You declared when Harry took Harrison's place in front of the coffee table. Mindless chatter and flirting had swiftly turned into charades. No-one knew who started it, but one minute you were sprawled across your dressing room, the next the boys were sat on the sofa facing you while you acted out Deadpool 2. Harry paused, then nodded.

   "Yeah, I am too. Tom, how long till you have to go on?"

   "Uh..." Tom checked his phone, "About an hour."

   "Oh fuck this." You said, throwing your hands up and putting your own phone into the pocket of your leather jacket.

   "What're you doing?" Harrison asked, though he picked up his own jacket and slipped it on. All their things had migrated to your room.

   "What are WE doing, you mean, and we are all fucking off, because the Ellen Show can wait to have us another time." You said promptly, opening the door and grinning while the boys whooped at the mildly rebellious idea, then filed out. You all crept out, then ran helter-skelter to the car park, where Harrison's car was. You all got in, then started off. 

   "I didn't have you down as the 'fuck-it' type, Mari." Tom grinned, turning around from the front seat to look at you. His curls were swept up by the wind, fluttering around his face like an adorable halo. You shrugged and tossed your hair over your shoulder.

   "It's all apart of my seductive, mysterious nature, Thomas." You purred, winking before putting your sunglasses on. Everyone laughed, and you started up the flirting again. 

   When Tom was due to go on, you asked for his phone and dialled a number on FaceTime, making Tom hold it so you could all be seen.

   "Who are you-"

   Ellen's face filled the screen and she laughed while the audience audibly lost their minds. You grinned, leaning forward and resting your chin on the seat.

   "Well hey Tom. Now, I'm not sure if I imagined this, but aren't you meant to be here?" Tom grinned cheekily, and apologetically. 

   "We stole him, sorry." You smiled and you heard the audience scream again. Ellen laughed.

   "Marisa, is that you?"

   "No, it is I, Beyonce." You corrected jokingly, throwing your hair over your shoulder again and posing like you were in a VOGUE shoot. You heard loud laughter and Ellen grinned.

   "Ah, of course."

You all chattered a little bit more before she asked another question, one that wasn't something she would've asked if you guys were actually there.

"Where are you guys?"

   "We are... somewhere?" You replied questioningly, shrugging with your hands up. More laughter.

   "Ah, what are you doing somewhere?"

   Tom said something about probably getting food and Harrison and Harry agreed.

   "We aren't, Ellen, love, the second this phone call ends we're having an orgy." You joked and all three boys tried to stop grins and blushes while the audience deafened you, even though it was through the phone. You laughed and hid your head in Tom's shoulder.

   "Ah well I won't keep you," Everyone, you and the boys included, laughed, "I hope the next time you guys come to my studio you do actually come on my show."

   "Not making any promises." 

   "Yeah, I only came for the free pizza." 

   "Honestly, same."


sorry ya girl's inactive

i wore a marvel shirt to go see shazam today

and for real?

it's pretty good

at the end when ross bulter showed up ooh mama was happy lemme tell you THAT

yeah this was bad


i'm so unmotivated lately wtf

i got a top from a place today

and the top was from uo originally

as in really really overpriced place

but i got it

for 8.50

baRGAin BiTCh

and i found in the heart of the sea in cex for £1


ya know

that's cool

and it's double cool that i got to use my membership card

still not got a clue what it does

but i usEd iT

much love for my loves

viv x

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