Sex Scene // Sebastian Stan

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     Dakota breathed out slowly, calming her rising nerves, then glanced at Sebastian. He appeared to be doing the same.

   "Just imagine it's someone else." The woman whispered. Sebastian looked at her in confusion.

   "Don't think that's you're fucking me. Just think it's... I don't know. Just ignore me as much as possible. Pretend I'm Caroline, she's pretty cool." He grinned at her.

   "Caroline is still you."

   "I'm the 99 Cent Store version of Caroline." She said drily and he laughed again, then tilted his head.

   "Who're you gonna imagine I am?"


   Before she could answer with "I don't need to imagine you're someone else because I'M MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU" or similar, the director clapped his hands.

   "Okay guys, this one is mostly improv, but Sebastian, be dominant and controlling and make sure YOU'RE in charge. Dakota, enjoy it," she almost snorted at the borderline subjective advice, "Okay, rolling in three..." Dakota stepped toward the fridge, hand on the handle, ready to open. Sebastian braced himself at the table, "Two..." The director gave a thumbs up and Dakota opened the fridge, taking out cold pizza and going to eat it before freezing, startled, and dropping it onto the floor. She looked at Sebastian, or, as he was acting, Bucky, then walked slowly forward and reached across the table to tenderly take his chin and inspect the damage on his face. He didn't protest.

   "Who?" She asked. She was whispering, but the anger lacing her tone was evident.

   "Does it matter?" He growled in response. The woman tutted.

   "Yeah, it does, Buck. I need to know who I've gotta kill." He smirked a little at his girlfriend and she rested her hands on the table.

   "It don't matter, doll." She wagged her finger at him.

   "No, no, none of that doll shit until you tell me and the bastard who did that is in a body bag." Bucky grinned.

   "My girlfriend Caroline, the psychopath." Dakota winked.

   "Don't wink at me when you're mad, it's so confusing." He mumbled, flexing his metal arm and glancing up at her. She tilted her head at his brooding eyes.

   "Missed you." She said softly. He smirked a little.

   "I'm sure you did."

   "You don't sound like you believe me. Don't you believe me?" She asked silkily, slowly getting onto her hands and knees on the table and crawling forward, heart hammering unbelievably when Sebastian pushed the chair back a little and watched like a lion watches its prey.

   "You might have to prove it."

   "I was gonna anyway." She murmured, slipping off the hard wood and onto Sebastian's lap. He placed his hands on her waist, pulling her a little closer. She hummed and he lost it, smashing his lips onto hers and putting her on the table, both people's hands tearing off clothing and wandering over each other. They continued to pretend until he was lying on top of her on the table and she was just looking up at him and feeling immensely uncomfortable given the fact she was lying on a table in her underwear in front of a fuck tonne of people, a camera and the guy she'd had a crush on for years. His breath bloomed over her cheeks and he kissed her again, this time sweet and sincere and loving. She kissed him back with as much adoration.

   "I love you." He  murmured into her mouth and she pulled away, mostly for the benefit of the cameras but also because the director had never mentioned anything about saying they loved each other. He sounded so real and raw, and his eyes were almost begging. No-one was that good an actor, even Sebastian. But Dakota carried on.

   "I love you too." And they tumbled off the side of the table. 

   "CUT! THAT WAS PERFECT, GUYS!" Sebastian and Dakota groaned in sync, brows furrowing. Falling off a table whilst in the throes of passion may look sexy, but it hurt like a motherfucker. They both laughed at each other, then Sebastian looked like he was going to die, and careered off the side of the "kitchen". Dakota paused, then shrugged on an offered dressing gown and made her way to her dressing room. She pulled on a NASA sweater and an A-line denim skirt, feet in her set slippers and phone in hand. She glanced at her red cheeks in the mirror and cursed herself for looking like a 12-year-old girl after her first kiss. She sat on the low sofa in her room so she wouldn't have to keep seeing the embarrassing reflection.

   "Hey, Dakota." Sebastian smiled from the doorway. Dakota glanced at him and smiled back.

   "Hey. Who'd you imagine?"


   "The conversation we had prior doing the scene? About pretending I was someone else?" Sebastian blushed and looked down.


   "Ah. Why'd you run off? Walking to my dressing room alone was, would you believe, lonely." Sebastian smiled.

   "Just had to, um, sort something out."

   "What something?" He looked up and down the hall, then closed the door. Dakota fell back on the sofa, kicking her legs over the arm and continuing to look at the man expectantly. He sighed and avoided eye contact, then gestured to his dick.

   "Oh. OH! Oh. I- Oh." Dakota breathed, eyes widening. Sebastian looked down, smiling sheepishly.

   "Is the something sorted?"

   "I can't- It doesn't matter."

   "No, really, is it sorted?" 

   "Not exactly, but-" Dakota calmly vaulted the coffee table and stood closer and closer to Sebastian until he was against the closed door and she was right in front of him, chest to chest. She could feel the something from where she was stood.

   "We need to go over that scene." Dakota finally breathed.


   "We need to practise it. Make it better."

   "But-" Dakota pressed her lips onto his to shut up him. It worked well. She drew back.

   "Let's just go over that scene here. And without the camera. And alone. And not tell anyone, unless BUCKY and CAROLINE decide they want to." She put emphasis on the fake names for no reason, and Sebastian blushed a little more. His something was growing.

   "I meant it."


   "When I said I loved you. I just- I choked, I didn't know what to do. I-"

   "I meant it too." Dakota breathed. Sebastian's jaw dropped before he quickly composed himself. A slow smirk covered his mouth.

   "You were awful in that scene. You need teaching how to do it properly."

   "I'm a pretty slow learner. We may have to go over it a few times."

   "You've got the rest of your life to learn, doll."

   "God I love it when you call me that."


and you get the picture

anyone ever heard him sing?

because FUCK ME it is adorable

viv x

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