Christmas // A Preference

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hey loves - merry christmas oh my goodness !!

i hope you all have an amazing day, and you get all the shit you wanted lmao

it's appropriate that i do a festive little thing now i think:)

gotta go n Dip so i can watch shitty xmas movies w my family lmao

all love and festive jazz,

viv x


~Tom Holland~

~ f a m i l y

~ you either spend Christmas at the Hollands', or the Hollands spend Christmas at yours. And the family atmosphere, even though they aren't yours through blood, is almost chokingly blissful.

~ "Here, pass this to Sam for me, Tom."

"Oh, for me?"

"It is literally a box of Quality Street, don't get excited."

"Why am I not getting offered any Quality Street, Tom? Is this favouritism?"

"You get me!"

"I want a Quality Street!"

"Give the girl a Quality Street, Tom!"

"How do you plan to get her to marry you when you won't even give her a measly Quality Street? Bloody Hell Tom-"

"Can someone please just give me a Quality Street?"

"Would you like a GREEN ONE, y/n? Your FAVOURITE?"

"Oh, I would!"

"Here you go, here is ALL the green ones!"

"Oh Tom, you've tipped those everywhere, Tessa's going to eat them if you don't pick them up quick."

"Sorry Mum."

~Sebastian Stan~

~ h o m e

~ for Christmas, you go back to Romania with Sebastian and stay in his old family home. It's gorgeous there, and he is the best tour guide to ever exist.

~ "Okay, and right there is the pond I fell into when I was six."

"Ohh, I remember that! And there was that other boy there and you think he tripped you?"

"Think? Y/n, his foot was all the way out and when I got back out of that... fricking... pond, HE had my banana in his hand and he was munching all smugly, that little asshole."

"Sebby, you are so bitter about this tiny person."

"He stole my banana!"

"Serves you right for wanting a banana. C'mon, show me somewhere you used to drink hot chocolate, I could do with some."

~Chris Evans~

~ b u s t l e

~ as with Tom, you spend Christmas with family. However, there's one little difference: Chris' family is absolutely ENORMOUS: it's a marvel that you've managed to remember everyone's names. All of Chris' extended family comes to your house, which is lucky - when you were buying it, you were worried that it was way too big for just the pair of you, but now at Christmastime there's hardly enough room to move around.

~ "Chris, y/n, oh my goodness, merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas to you too! Here, come inside Angie, it's cold and we've got the heating all the way up. There's wine in the living room somewhere, and I'm sure there's some chocolate somewhere too to hold you over until everyone gets here and we can have Christmas dinner."

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