Museum // Steve Rogers

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   For what felt like the millionth time that month, you found yourself wandering around the Captain America exhibit near your new house. America was... American. A lot more than you'd anticipated when you originally moved to become an actress and instead found yourself a secretary and a babysitter when you really needed something, like a bed frame or a phone when someone picked your pockets. It sucked, granted, but you were still trying. You got a few, small roles here and there - a shop assistant, a robot-girl, even once an assassin - but most of the time your weren't making phone calls, arranging meetings, trying to stop Tony Stark (your boss) from throwing a party in the lobby at three pm on a Thursday, looking after other people's children or auditioning, you were looking at that Captain America exhibit.

   "You like Captain America?" The guy beside you asked casually, and you glanced up at him, operative word being UP. He was ridiculously tall (though maybe that was because you weren't exactly the tallest person on Earth) and ridiculously built. The majority of his face was obscured by a cap and sunglasses, though you were finding out that everyone did that in America. You smiled and tucked your hair behind your ear.

   "I'm actually more of a Bucky Barnes girl, myself," You smiled coyly, blushing a little at the mention of his name (even though he was dead, and most people don't have crushes on dead guys), "You?" The guy grinned knowingly, then nodded.

   "Bucky Barnes. Still come and look at the Captain America stuff too."

   "Yeah, me too. I think it's insane. I mean, imagining looking like that one day," you gestured toward the pre-serum Steve Rogers you and the guy were strolling towards, "And like... that the next." You sighed almost wistfully, glancing up and down the life-size model of post-serum Steve Rogers.

   "I like your accent." He said, smiling sort-of shyly. You blushed a little and smiled back.

   "Thank you. I like yours."

   "It's American, it's nothing special." 

   "It is to an English girl."

   "You must be having a field day with all the people round hear then. Listening to their accents, I mean."

    "Yeah, it's great. Hey, tell me how much shorter I am than him." You said suddenly, taking his wrist and bringing him closer to a screen where life-size post-serum Steve was stood. You stood taller and the guy grinned, putting his hand where the top of your head was. You stood back, then spluttered.

   "Oh my God I'm shorter than I thought I was. Here, you stand there, I'll measure you." You said and he hesitated, then stood against the screen. You tried to reach the top of his head and couldn't, then stood on your tip-toes, both of you laughing a little. You rested your hand on his shoulder to try and reach all the way, both of your sharing a quick glance. He stepped away when you were steady, then you laughed a little.

   "You are EXACTLY the same height as him, what the Hell? I feel freakishly short now." You laughed, reluctantly taking your hand off him. You squinted a little and he immediately looked uncomfortable.


   "You look just like Steve Rogers." You laughed, then kept walking, him following your lead while you made your way to the section about Bucky. 

   "What's your name?" You asked, glancing at him.

   "...Steve." He said almost ashamedly and you paused, then laughed.

   "No way do you look just like him AND have the same name. That's fucking nuts." You shook your head, still smiling, then stopped in front of the information screen you'd read enough times to recite but still stopped to read anyway.

   "What's yours?"


   "Your name."

   "Y/n. Pleasure to meet you, Captain." You joked teasingly, winking before continuing to move. You and Steve continued small talk, then when you reached the end, he stopped you.

   "Uh, I heard that the coffee in the cafe here is pretty good. You wanna go grab one?" Steve asked, grinning a little sheepishly. Your heart exploded and you nodded, starting to walk over to it so he wouldn't see how furiously you were blushing.

   "Of course, Cap." You stuck with that nickname the entire time you had gone around together. He grinned and ran after you. You ordered, then reached for your purse, mentally apologising for spending money on something like an overpriced coffee when you barely had enough for toothpaste. Before you could get it out, Steve smoothly stopped you and got his wallet out.

   "It's fine, you don't have to pay for me." You blushed, though the sense of chivalry was a turn on. He grinned cheekily.

   "Then I won't," he turned to the cashier, "Can I get a black coffee too, and make them fast, official Avengers business." He said, then flipped his wallet open, showing the woman a card. She immediately went bright red, then smiled, twirling her hair.

   "Of course, Captain America. On the house, our treat." She smiled, then Steve nodded and slung his arm around your shoulders.

   "WHAT THE FUCK?" You whisper-yelled, looking up at him in confusion. He took his glasses off so he could wink at you.

   "What?" He asked innocently. You were both barely at the other counter before your drinks were placed on it and your names yelled.

   "You- You're... Holy SHIT." You murmured, picking up the coffee you ordered and looking up at him again. He sipped his coffee smugly.

   "I surprised you didn't work it out."

   "Hey, I HALF worked it out." You said stubbornly, but you were both smiling. 

   "You know, you should come to the Avengers compound one day. Going off your reaction to just one of us, you'd spontaneously combust at the sight of us all."

   "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" You replied teasingly, then smiled, "And I work there, anyway."

   "You do?"

   "Secretary. See, you, Captain Goddamn America, have just unthinkingly bought a secretary coffee. I feel like you're coming for my job." You grinned.

   "No, you've found me out." He grinned back.

   "Well, this is my house. Thank you for the coffee, Cap."

   "Don't worry about it. I'll make sure to go through the lobby tomorrow on my way in from my jog." He grinned.

   "In that case, I'll see you then. Have a nice evening, Steve."

   "And you, y/n." 

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