Jealous // Bucky Barnes

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   Late evening light spilled through the thin gauzy net curtains obscuring outsiders from seeing into the room in which you were sat. A tiny over-head lamp was placed on the top of the piano so you could see the keys, no need for the sheet music, and the lyrics to the song, because you may be able to go through the instrumental part of the song fine enough, you just want to whisk yourself away on the melody alone. It was always like this when you needed time to wind down - piano and pasta and perfect silence.

   "Hey." You looked over your shoulder and saw, thankfully, only Bucky stood in the doorway. You smiled.

   "Hey, Buck. Was I being too loud?" You asked softly, turning properly in your seat to look at him while he walked further in.

   "No, I just... didn't know you could play, that's all." He smiled gently and you smiled shyly back. It was no secret that Bucky wasn't quite as closed in as he was before you came into his life, though only as Tony's niece and something that was "off limits", but you still found yourself nervous around him, similarly to with everyone. 

   "Yeah, I'm self taught, not much good, but..." you waggled your fingers in front of you, "I try."

   "It's a lot better than I could do, let me tell you." He joked and you laughed, swinging your legs down from how you had them childishly crossed before while you gestured to the piano.


   "Ah, I don't think-"

   "Buck, I don't care if you mess up or you aren't good. Just wanna hear you, because according to a Mr Rogers, you are able, and I am yet to see that." Bucky grinned at you and pulled up another stool, cracking his knuckles and slowly exhaling, then started to move his fingers across the keys. He played a jaunty tune, the kind that made you want to learn how to swing dance and be whirled around by some dashing soldier, and you smiled at the look of pure concentration on his face. He glanced at you and grinned back, then fluffed it up. You both giggled a little, then he looked at you expectantly.

   "Your turn, doll."

   "Oh no, God no, I-"

   "Go on, play what you were playing just then. Pretend like I'm not even here." He got up off his stool and sat on the sofa instead. You breathed out long and slow, then started to play.

   "I'm jealous of the rain... that falls upon your skin..." You sung softly, going through the entire song while Bucky and the rain outside and the ache of everything to do with being where you were just melted away, dissolving like mist on a moor. Your heart went into that song, like usual, because you had nowhere else to put it. 

   "It's hard for me to say... I'm jealous of the way... you're happy without me." You finished, the world around you rushing back into your conscience like a raging river. You breathed out. You breathed in. And you turned around, back to Bucky. His jaw was all but on the floor and he started to clap slowly, still dazed. Anytime he saw you, you were being shy or smiley or telling Stark how very wrong he was, but when you performed, you transformed. You were loud and confident and somehow simultaneously unsure and shy and it was the perfect blend of everything that left him stunned. You smiled nervously.

   "Once again, I am self taught, so it's not gonna be Mozart level of greatness, exactly." You explained sheepishly and Bucky shook his head in confusion.

   "Are- have- do- Have you HEARD yourself sing?" He asked. You shrugged.

   "When I was a little younger and talent shows were a thing."

   "How young?"

   "I don't know... eleven, twelve, something like that."

   "I don't think I've ever heard anyone better in my entire life." You laughed incredulously and sat beside him on the sofa.

   "I doubt that, no offence."

   "You DOUBT that? You're- you-" He stammered for the right words, then promptly pressed his mouth onto yours and poured a universe of stars onto your lips, connecting you both together for a solid few minutes of drowning in desire and delight before he pulled away, hands still in your hair. You had no idea when they'd managed to get there in the first place.

   "That's what that made me feel. All that. Because of your singing." 

   "You're insane, Buck. My singing, my piano playing, it's... it's average, at best." He smirked a little.

   "Then maybe it's just you." You smirked back and pulled him onto your lips by the dog tag he always wore, shifting closer and giving your heart into it like you had enough to spare. 

   "So, my talented little niece, how- BARNES?" You broke of the kiss with a noise that made you want to just go straight back onto Bucky, looking at the doorway. There stood Tony, your uncle, and the man who was about to murder the man who you want to kiss until you could no longer breath. Bucky guiltily sprang back, but you didn't move.

   "Hey, Uncle Tony." You smiled, drawing out the first word. Your lips felt bee-stung.

   "What was- What- Barnes, I told you, she's off limits, and you STILL-"

   "For Christ's sake, Uncle Tony, I'm old enough to make my own choices, you can't just keep me hidden away from the universe or whatever you plan to do." You protested, standing smoothly to stop your angry uncle from killing Bucky.

   "Yeah, maybe I can't, but as your UNCLE I told this God forsaken man he couldn't so much as LOOK at you, and next thing I know he's slobbering all over you! I'm not okay with it, I-" You rolled your eyes and very promptly pushed him out the doorway, then closed the door.

   "FRIDAY, lock that shit, don't let Tony unlock it, or anyone, actually. Just me and James, okay?"

   "Of course, Miss Stark."

   "Thanks, FRIDAY." You turned back to Bucky and sat on the arm of the sofa, playing with his hair.

   "Where were we?"



i'm pretty tired

and our boiler's broken

so i'm pretty cold too

ah well

i was kinda considering doing a second part of this, but making it kinda sadder, you know

try my hand at heartbreak and whatnot

viv x

angel cake ♡ tom holland/sebastian stan/chris evans oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now